16 | Real Life

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"We didn't talk for almost two weeks."

Blanca nodded from her spot on the couch, her knees pulled up into her chest. The couple had been home for an hour, after travelling back from Tulley's and dropping off the boys at their houses. Tom sat on the chair across from the girl he was trying hard to understand. He continued, out loud, his thought process.

"We haven't talked like we used to in almost three months. Well a little more than three months, since before the premiere."

Again, Blanca nodded.

"Are we trying to place blame here or?" Tom sounded genuinely confused and frustrated.

"No, not at all!" Blanca shook her head, surprised that this was the first thought to cross Tom's mind. "I just think we should figure out why that happened and why we both didn't seem to notice it happening or say anything about it."

"It's not like we meant to do it."

Blanca looked down, her hands fidgeting. What Tom was saying was true, but that did not mean that she was okay with them doing it. "I know we didn't mean to. That's what scares me the most. It was so easy for us to stop talking - to stop talking about the big stuff and just stop talking in general. It scares me because of what it could mean."

"We are both busy. We both have our careers. I know what I said was shitty - the whole thing about my career being real. I'm sorry, I was angry and it was in the heat of the moment. You have a career you built out of a hobby and you were one of the first and youngest to do it. I know that. I shouldn't have said all that. We are just busy and missing each other - that's all."

"Is it though, Thomas?" Blanca looked back at him, she could feel her eyes start to water as they always did when a confrontation happened. "We have always been busy. Hell when we started dating you were shooting for Far From Home and I was working on my lifestyle range. Yet we would still find the time to talk and talk a lot for our schedules lining up as little as they did."

"That was the beginning of our relationship."

"Yes I know that." Blanca said harshly.

Tom shook his head in frustration, "I didn't mean it like that Blanca. I just meant that we were in a sort of bubble and now we've known each other longer and more and the bubble has popped."

"And you aren't enjoying us without the bubble." Blanca stammered out, remembering having this conversation before. At a different time in her life. With a completely different person. She thought it had hurt the first time, but nothing compared to how much it hurt in this moment.

"No," Tom paused. The pause caused both of them to look at each other. "I think you are the most amazing person in the world. I don't think I have ever considered someone as talented and hard working as you. I love who you are and you are so sure of who you are but I feel like I'm still finding out who I am in a way. At least in the context of my career and in the limelight." Blanca and Tom had pain in their eyes. "Maybe we should take a break."

"From this fight?"

Blanca didn't need Tom to respond to know his answer.

Something Great | Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now