+4 | Real Life

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Blanca looked up at the man standing in front of her and just like that she felt at home

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Blanca looked up at the man standing in front of her and just like that she felt at home. Today was a day that she had dreamt of her entire life, but never once thought it would exceed the expectations as much as it had.

They'd both said their official vows during the ceremony. Those were the ones for everyone to hear: all of the guests as their witnesses. Now only Tom and Blanca stood in the room, both of them about to share the vows they'd written.

"Thomas: I never knew what it felt like to be picked first until you picked me. I didn't know how much I wanted to be with you until we weren't together. I didn't believe in love at first sight until I saw you that first day at the airport. I can honestly say I don't ever want to be with anyone else because you are the person I loved, I love and I will always love. That I can promise you. I promise to be your number one fan in every thing you do. I promise to always cook because you'll end up burning the house down if you do it. I promise to fight your insecurities with you even when it feels like they are winning. I promise to always make new memories with you, wherever we go. But more than anything I promise to love you into eternity."

The pair had to take a breath. Tom carefully wiped the tears that had fallen from Blanca. He wasn't as gentle when he wiped his own away. He straightened out the paper that had been sitting in his jacket pocket since early that morning. The words that filled the lines on the page were all written in one go; Tom was certain of the promises he wanted to make Blanca.

"I never thought that I would be married this young; I never truly believed in soul mates; I never thought that I could meet someone in life who pushes me to be a better person. All those never's disappeared when you entered into my life. I knew I loved you very early on. I knew I was in love with you when I saw how easily and wholeheartedly you loved others. Blanca, I promise that I will love you now until the end of time and all of eternity. I promise that I'll hold your hand through every moment that you need me to and even more during the moments that you won't admit you need me. I promise to be there every time you think your anxiety is winning to remind you of every single time you beat anxiety. I promise all of this, forever and a day."

Both of them had tears falling once more but neither of them minded. The moved closer and kissed before Blanca placed her head on Tom's chest. Tom wrapped his arms around her, not wanting this moment to end.


This took me two months to write. But it's finally up. Next and final part will be up tomorrow.

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