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"Are you sure this is a good idea? You won't even know these girls." My mother says, a tone of worry in her voice.

"I'm sure everything will be fine. It's time for me to move out anyway and this is a great way to start." I say as I finish packing up the last of my things.

"I'm just worried. What if you don't get along with them? Then what? It's not like they're here y/n, they're in Korea." My mom points out.

"I'm well aware. Besides, it's not like this is my first time in Korea." I say then stand.

I had been to Korea once before but that seemed like forever ago.

"But everything will be okay, I promise. Now I have to go or I'll miss my flight." I say and my mother gives me a sad smile before pulling me into her arms.

"Be safe and call me when you get there!" She says as she squeezes me tightly.

"Will do. I love you." I say as I back up and head for the door.

The last thing I hear is my mothers words of I love you too before I'm off on my own.
The flight from where I lived to Korea was a tiring one.

I slept the whole entire plane ride with only one thing on my mind;

"Would these girls like me?"

As of today I'd be moving in with seven other girls.

Seeing as the amount of money I spent to do so was a lot and the fact that there will be eighth of us, leads me to believe that the place will be huge.

So In a way, I'm beyond excited!

I already had the address ready and everything.

Now all I had to do was find out where the hell to go.

All I had was this address and my things.

So I guess all I can do is google maps this shit.

Eventually, after what felt like years, I finally found it.

As I stood in front of my new home my jaw hit the sidewalk.

Well I was definitely right about it being huge.

This is plenty of space for eight girls.

Smiling, I take out my key and grab my things.

As soon as I open the door the smell shocks me.


It smelt like a guys house, strong cologne and dirty socks.

"Hello?" I hear and suddenly there's a man standing in front of me.

Not just any man though, one of the guys from BTS.

BTS, aka, a kpop group I had heard of quite a bit.

I didn't know really anything about them though but their faces.

"Uh." Is all I can say.

I was beyond confused.

"Can I help you with something?" He asks, looking just as confused as I felt.

"Who is it?" I hear and another guy appears.

"There must be some mistake. As of today I'm supposed to be living here." I say as I look down to check the address that matched this one.

The two guys look between each other then the one comes over and looks down at my phone.

"She's right, it says this address. This can't be right." The guy says.

"We should call someone and see what's going on." The other guy with darker hair says as he then puts on a smile.

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