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"It's out!" The guys say excitedly one morning.

"What's out?" I ask while pouring a glass of coffee.

"The music video. It dropped last night but we wanted to wait to watch it with you." Tae says as he hops towards the table.

"Oo, start it!" I say excitedly as I join Jimin's side.

My hand that wasn't holding my coffee brushed against Jimin's and we exchanged flustered glances before turning to the laptop screen.

As the music video started I watched in amazement.

They all looked breathtaking and it was definitely cool to watch them act.

Everyone seemed to be focusing hard on watching the music video.

They'd occasionally point out the looks of the others and compliment them.

As soon as the video ended they all turned and began to talk.

"That was amazing. Good work you guys." I smile as I pat Jimin on the shoulder then move back.

"Do you have plans for today?" Jin asks as I sip at the still hot coffee.

"I do actually. I'm meeting up with a couple of friends." I say.

I feel Jimin's eyes drift onto me but I don't say anything about it.

"Will you be out late?" Jin asks.

"I shouldn't be too late. We're just going to be hanging out and I think they said something about karaoke. I'll probably be drinking." I laugh.

"Just be careful, alright." Namjoon nods as he stands.

"Will do, Dad." I say and a couple of the guys laugh as I set my cup in the sink then turn on my heels.

"I'll wash that once I get dressed." I say and head towards my room.

I end up getting dressed in a casual yet cute outfit then I do my hair and slip on a jacket.

After I grab my phone I spray on some perfume then go to wash my cup.

As I'm washing the cup I feel a presence beside me.

I look over to see Jimin at my side.

"Hey." I say.

"You look nice." He says, his voice quiet.

I'm assuming so no one would hear him.

"Thank you." I smile as I turn the water off and put the cup in the rack.

"Have fun!" Jimin calls as I head for the door.

"I will!" I wave before heading out.

I was looking forward to a night of fun!
"You made it!" My friend Areum grins as she pulls me to her side.

"Of course I did! I wasn't going to miss this!" I grin as I dance along to the music that was playing in her dorm room.

"The others should be here soon. Then we're gonna head to Sun-woo's place until karaoke later." She says and I nod and look around.

Areum was the type of person who was very popular with guys even though she never wanted anything to do with them.

She was more of a grades over guys kind of person.

Yet she was the coolest person I knew.

She was always one to party.

"Sun-woo said he's on his way." Areum announces and I feel myself getting excited.

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