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"We have an important meeting with our boss today so we'll be home late." Namjoon says as he grabs his things.

"Okay." I say as I watch them all rush towards the door.

After we say goodbye I let out a breath as the door shuts, leaving me alone in this huge place.

I was kind of glad I would be alone for awhile.

It would give me time to work on some of my assignments and even give me time to relax.

Firstly, I make breakfast.

The guys had all woken up before me so they had already eaten.

After I made breakfast I showered and got ready to start on my assignments.

It's not like I had crazy work piled up but enough to need to work on it now instead of putting it to the side.

I had an editorial due by today.

Slipping on some headphones, I turn on music before getting to work.
Finally, two hours later, I was finished.

It was currently going on 11am and now I needed to hurry off to go look for a part time job.

Since I was in Korea now I'd need to find ways to make money so I could buy the things that I needed.

My main goal was to maybe find a coffee shop or a pet store.

Those were just some preferences but I'd take any place that wanted me.

With my head held high, I set out in search of a job.
I ended up traveling around pretty far, getting lost a couple times here and there.

I had filled out job applications for two places so far but neither of those jobs seemed as if they needed the extra help.

My next target was the convenience store just up the road.

It was a smaller shop and from what I could see it didn't seem that busy.

After finally making it closer I see a couple people inside and some eating ramen at the window.

This wouldn't be a bad job at all.

"Hello!" The man behind the counter says cheerfully as I step inside.

"Hello, I was wondering if you're hiring." I say, putting on a friendly smile.

"Actually, we are! Would you like to fill out an application?" The older man asks.

I bow after a quick yes.

He goes to the room in the back and comes back with a piece of paper and a pen in his hand.

"Here you are." He smiles before walking off to help a costumer.

I sit down at a seat by the window and begin to fill out the job application.

It was simple enough.

After I'm finished I hand it back to the man and thank him before making my way back home.

I'm really hoping to get that job.

It may not pay all that great but it's a good start.

I'm kinda excited!
When I get back home I'm surprised when I see shoes by the door.

I thought they were going to be out late?

Walking inside more I hear rattling in the kitchen.

I slip off my shoes and put on my slippers before making my way towards the noise.

"Oh, you're home. I was wondering where you went."

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