25 | final | Epilogue

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"Party Time!" Tae shouts as he jumps up on the table, swinging his shirt in the air.

I watched with amused eyes as Shownu shook his head in disapproval.

"I'm proud of you, baby." I hear someone purr in my ear and I instantly smile at the voice.

I look over to see the love of my life at my side.

"Thank you." I smile as I effortlessly fall into his arms.

Today was a very special day.

It was the day I had graduated college.

After a lot of hard work and many student loans later, here I was.

Now I really felt like my life was fully taking off.

"I can't believe you actually made it. All of the stress of classwork, on top of trying to balance a relationship. You're a true warrior." Yoongi says and a couple of the guys chuckle.

It was true.

It had been extremely hard to keep up with school work, my job, my social life, and my private time.

Yet somehow, I was managing.

As of right now, I was taking on some even bigger and better things too.

Near the end of my college studies, just as graduation was approaching, I was offered a job at a big company.

I would become a journalist, writing some huge stories on, believe it or not, Kpop.

Then the icing on the cake, you'd never guess who my first story was assigned to about.

"She fights for us because she loves us!" Jin smiles widely.

Oh boy was he was right.

In the beginning, I never would have imagined that I'd be living with seven famous people but look at me now.

It had been around two years since I had moved in with BTS and let me just tell you, it's been one hell of a ride.

In this time, I've gotten to become close to these seven amazing men and I even met Jimin.

Jimin and I are happy, happier than ever before actually.

When we went public awhile back we did receive a lot of hate but we were able to stay strong and stay together in the end.

Never once did we falter in that time.

I was of course, very grateful for that too.

I don't know what I would do without Jimin.

After all, he is the love of my life.

"She loves me the most." Jimin says from beside me, a huge smile on his face.

His smile was always contagious.

"Of course." I say as I lean forward and kiss Jimin softly.

A couple of the guys say ew but some awe.

It was usually like that but we were use to it by now.

Now it was just kind of funny.

"You guys sure do kiss a lot." Shownu says and I laugh.

"You and your girlfriend kiss a lot too." I point out.

Shownu pulls his bottom lip in.


I laugh and smile over at Jimin again.

Even though Shownu and I had some history we were still really great friends to this day.

Shownu even has a girlfriend now that he's even planning on proposing to.

It was really sweet, actually.

As for the guys of BTS, a couple of them have girlfriends now and have even went public with them.

I think it's great to see them happy and smiling with someone that they love.

I'm glad that their fans can support them through this too.

I'm sure it means the world to them.

Overall, we're happy.
"Let's get the cake, I'm starving!" Vernon says and everyone is fast to agree.

Jimin grabs my hand and guides me over to the kitchen where everyone was already getting the cake situated.

"Here's to y/n's graduation!" Jungkook smiles widely as he begins to light the candles.

I smile to myself as I feel arms wrap around my waist and a head rest in my neck.

Instantly, Jimin's cologne surrounds me.

I rest my hands on his as everyone sings for me.

"Make a wish!" Jimin says from behind me, his warm breath tickling my neck.

Looking around the room, I smile widely.

"I already have everything I could ever want, right here."

I know this book has been one big mess but I really hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm sorry for the delays and the short chapters. I tried really hard to finish this book on a good note. I hope you guys didn't completely hate it. I love you guys sososo much and thank you for reading this story!!! I hope you look forward to my next book. I have no idea when that will come out, probably not anytime soon, but stay tuned bcuz you'll be a bit shook. 👀
((Odds are, I may not post a new book until I graduate or at least get out of school after exams. I have 14 days left until I'm finished with school(not counting weekends) then my HS graduation is legit in only 24 days(also not counting weekends))So as you can see, my schedule is a bit packed and stressful so I haven't had much time to write. I hope you guys understand but I'll definitely try to keep writing lots over the summer!!! I love you guys and thank you so much for your constant love and support ! It means the world to me. I love you. ♡♡♡♡♡♡))

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