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"Wait, We're really going to Busan?" I ask in shock.

"Well yeah." Jimin laughs.

"You just mentioned it yesterday though." I point out as I watch the guys as they all pack their bags.

"Yeah but this is the only time we get off so we have to go now before promotions." Jimin says.

"Then I guess I should start packing, huh." I say and Jimin nods and motions me to go.

I guess I should call my boss and fill him in too.

I head to my room and make the quick phone call before gathering clothes and other things I thought I'd need.

I assumed we'd be staying there a couple days at the most so I packed up a whole suitcase as the guys did.

After I finished packing my things I headed back out to the living room where I found the others.

Some were trying to find their things and some were just waiting.

"What time did you plan to leave?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen.

"Once everyone is packed. We're taking the train. I guess PD nim said we get our own cart so don't worry." Jimin says and I smile.

That would be nice to have our own little area.

"Wait." I start and turn to them slowly.

"We're taking a train to Busan..."

"We're not going to get attacked by zombies." Namjoon laughs and I smile and laugh too.

"Ironic isn't it." I grin as I walk over and sit down beside him.

Namjoon smiles and pats my head.

When I glance over at Jimin I see him staring down at his phone.

"Are you excited to see your family?" I ask and Jimin looks up and over at me.

"Very. I haven't seen them in so long." He says in a sad sigh.

"I'm excited to meet them. If they're anything like you I'm sure they're great." I say, causing Jimin to blush a bit and I realize I'm sitting right next to Namjoon.

I glance over but luckily he was too busy looking at his phone to notice.

I turn back towards Jimin and smile slightly before standing up.

"I'm looking forward to it." I say as I run my hand over his shoulders while on my way to get a glass of water.

I can feel his eyes on me as I do so but I don't say anything about it seeing as Namjoon was in the room.

Deep down, I was excited.

If Jimin's family is anything like him I know I'll love them!
"It's so nice in here!" Taehyung says happily as he looks around the private train cart we had gotten.

"I agree." I say as I look around in awe.

It was very spacious in here and we had lots of room to ourselves.

That being said, everyone seemed to pick a section and sit alone.

So of course it was a bit suspicious when Jimin sat down beside me.

Nobody paid any mind to it though as they put in their headphones and braced themselves for the long trip.

"I'm excited for you to meet my mother. She'll love you." Jimin says out of no where.

"Well I'm looking forward to meeting her too." I smile as I glance over at him.

"I'm really glad pd nim allowed us to go. I haven't been to Busan in so long." Jimin says in a dreamy sigh as he stares out the window.

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