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I couldn't speak.

My mind was completely blank and I was tongue tied.

"So you're the new part-timer."

His voice sent a shiver up my spine.

All I could do was bow.

"You two know each other?" My new boss says.

"Her and I met awhile back." He says.

"Then I assume you two will get along great! This is nice." My boss smiles as he pats his nephew on the shoulder before walking away.

"It's been awhile." He says.

I didn't even look up to meet his eyes.

"You should start with stocking shelfs. Some days you'll be on register, okay?"

I bow and when I hear him walk away I let out a breath and stand up straight.

What are the odds of this happening?

It's going to be a long day..
"Great work today!" My boss says.

"Thank you." I bow.

"I'm off." I hear.

"It's late. Why don't you walk her home?" My boss says and my eyes widen.

"Oh no you-"


I was taken back by his words.

"Thank you, Shownu."

Even hearing his name struck right at my heart.

"Let's go." He says as he begins to walk towards the door.

I run out after him.

"You can't!" I say.

He turns and looks at me confused.


I could practically hear Bang Pd's voice in my head.

Number one rule; no one can know you live with them!

"I can walk by myself." I say and go to walk away but I'm stopped in my tracks at what wonwoo says next.

"You were always so rude and heartless."

I clench my fists and bite the inside of my cheek.

Without another word I walk away.

Who was he to say that to me?

He's the one who ruined our friendship!

He's the one who told me to leave.

How am I the heartless one?

"What do you think is taking her so long? Didn't she say she worked 9am to 9pm?" I asks, biting the inside of my lip.

"Are you worried?" Jin whispers over to me.

"I guess it's because she's a girl and she lives with us. I feel responsible for her." I say and the others agree instantly.

"We promised to be like big brothers so of course we have to make sure she's safe." Hoseok says.

Just then the front door opens and we all become alert.

"Welcome home!" Taehyung says, smiling widely.

Instead of looking happy like I'd have expected her to look, it was the complete opposite.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" Yoongi asks.

Y/n glances up at us and shakes her head.

"Not really, I'm just a bit tired is all." She says.

BLUE SKIES || PJM✔️Where stories live. Discover now