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I ran to the place I knew y/n was and I was surprised to see a group of guys and a couple girls seated with her.

"Here." The guy from the picture says as he hands her another drink.

"Thank you, oppa."

The word rolled off her tongue so casually.

As I got closer I heard what he said next.

"Let's get out of here." He says as he starts to pull y/n up.

There's no way in hell I'd let this happen when I'm able to stop it.

"Y/n." I say, making sure to deepen my voice a bit so people wouldn't recognize my voice.

"Who are you?" The guy asks.

Now everyone was looking my way.

Y/n was standing there with her head down, as if she were about to fall asleep.

"He's-" but I stop her before she could say something she shouldn't.

"I'm her boyfriend."

Y/n's head snaps up but before others have a chance to say anything I walk over to her and pull her towards me.

"So don't think about what you were just about to do ever again or it won't end well for you." I say before dragging y/n after me.
"Yah! I cant keep up." I hear y/n whine from behind me.

I look back to see her stumbling and I let out a breath.

I bend down and turn my head towards her.

"Get on."

Y/n's eyebrows raise but then she gets on my back without a word.

I stand up and begin to walk again.

"I'm tired." Y/n says, a hiccup between her words.

"I know. You can sleep when we get home." I say.

I could feel y/n's breath on my ear and I could smell the alcohol radiating off of her.

"God y/n, if I hadn't of been there.." I say as I let out a breath.

I didn't even want to think of what would have happened.

We all know it wouldn't have been good.

"Jimin saved me." Y/n whispers as she giggles in my ear.

"I bet your fans would be jealous." She giggles again.

"Why do you say that?" I ask, feeling myself smile a bit.

What she says next causes a tightness in my heart.

"Because their oppa likes me."
"Here." I say as I lay y/n down in her bed.

When she doesn't reply I know she's asleep.

I let out a breath and sit down beside her bed.

Does she always get this drunk all the time?

If I wouldn't have came tonight something seriously bad would have happened.

I would feel horrible knowing it did.

She really has to be more careful.

I stare down at y/n's sleeping form and take in her appearance.

Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were puffed out.

As I looked closer I realized just how cute she really was.

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