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"Today we start our promotions!" Tae says happily.

"Is it just a performance or do you guys have to go to meet and greets?" I ask as I make breakfast.

"Today is just a performance. The meet and greet is in a couple days." Jimin says as he comes up beside me, taking the chopsticks from my hand .

"So then you guys will be home early today?" I ask and I watch them all shuffle around.

"Yeah. Don't you work today?" Hoseok asks.

"I do but Shownu said since his uncle is coming in today that I only have to stay till 2pm." I say.

"Then when you get back we should all do something." Jungkook smiles.


"We can figure that out later. Right now, we have to eat so we can go." Namjoon says.

I nod and help Jimin finish up.
As we eat I feel everyone's eyes on me and Jimin.

It's like they expected us to be all lovey dovey around them just because we were a couple now.

"So, are you two planning to share a room now?" Jungkook asks suddenly.

I look his way, as does Jimin, and we both deny it.

"Why not? Isn't that what couples do?" Hoseok asks.

"We only started dating a couple days ago. It's a bit weird to already sleep in the same bed, don't you think." I say.

"She's right. I'm sure sometime in the future we will but not anytime soon." Jimin says.

I glance over at him then go back to eating my food.

After I'm finished I make my way to the shower.

Once I've finished with my long hot shower I step out and wrap a towel around me.

Walking to the mirror, I pull out all of my things and begin to moisturize my face.

Glancing up, I spot a giant spider on the wall and I scream, falling backwards.

"What happened?!" Jimin's voice sounds as he comes bursting into the bathroom.

Honestly, I was too scared to be embarrassed.

He kneels down at my side, pulling me into his arms.

"You fell. Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" He asks, his voice rushed.

"There's a spider." I shiver as I point to the corner of the room.

Jimin looks over and jumps too, clearly taken back by its size.

When I pull myself together I realize the situation we're in.

"Uh, Jimin.." I say.


"You do understand the situation we're in right now, right?" I ask and realization hits him.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have barged in. I just heard you scream and I got worried so I-"

I cut Jimin off with a laugh.

"It's fine. Thanks for coming to my rescue." I say as I move out of his arms and straighten out my towel.

"You're welcome." He says, a blush clear on his face as he backs up and leaves the bathroom.

I grab my clothes and sprint for my bedroom, not wanting to change in the same room as the spider.

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