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"I'm tired and hungry." Jungkook groans on the ride home from the music video shooting.

"Me too." Hoseok sighs as he leans back in the seat.

"Do you think y/n made a really good dinner again?" Yoongi asks and I look over to see a hopeful look on his face.

"Let me call her and find out if she's even home." I say as I glance down at the time that read 9:58pm.

The guys fall silent as I dial her number.

After three and a half rings she answers.

"Hello?" She asks.

"We're on our way back and we just wanted to know if you were home." I say.

"I'm actually out with a friend right now having dinner. I can make you guys food when I get back but it might be late." Y/n says.

"A friend? Shownu?" I ask as I think back to this morning.


So I guess things went well..

"Oh, don't worry about it. We'll just make something. Have fun." I say and y/n mumbles a Thanks before the line goes dead.

"She's out with a friend and won't be home till late." I say and the guys groan.

"I guess no dinner like mom use to make." Tae whines.

"We can stop and get chicken!" Jin suggests and that seems to brighten the mood.

Everyone's but mine.

I wonder what happened exactly between y/n and Shownu.

I thought she said she didn't like him anymore..

Why am I getting irritated anyway?

It's not like it has anything to do with me.

I let out a breath and lean my head against the window.
When we get back to the dorm everyone scatters to their rooms.

Since we had stopped to get chicken on the way everyone was full and satisfied.

Now we'd all crash.

I was beyond tired too but part of me thought I shouldn't sleep until I knew y/n was home safely.

So instead of going to sleep I laid down on the couch and scrolled through my phone.

I wonder how things are going.

It's already pretty late and she still isn't home.

I guess I'd just wait.

"Wait so you knew I knew?!" I ask as I stare at Shownu with wide eyes.

"You should have known Sun-woo would tell me he told you." Shownu chuckles.

"So what now?" I ask.

"I don't know." He says as he takes a sip of his drink.

"I want to put this in the past and be friends, if you want." I say as I bite my bottom lip.

Shownu looks up at me then smiles.

"I'd like that."

I smile and lift up my cup and push it towards him.

In that moment, our new friendship was signified by the clinks of our glasses.
By the time Shownu and I split up it was going on 10:30pm.

He insisted on walking me home but of course I had to object.

When I finally got home I made sure to be quiet as I entered the house.

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