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I stood there shocked as Jimin confessed in front of the guys, his mother, and his brother.

"Then I guess we really have to get rid of the rule, huh." Jin says after a moment.

"So will you two date?" Namjoon asks.

Jimin and I exchange glances and he smiles.

"I know it can't be publicly but I'd like to date her." Jimin says.

I smile as Jimin's stands up and joins my side.

"I hope you guys can accept that." He says.

The guys watch us, clearly surprised but no one looked angry.

"Yeah, I think we can accept that." Jin says as a small smile forms on his face.

Then next thing I know I'm being pulled into Jimin's arms.

"Finally." He says softly and then I'm smiling like an idiot.

Jimin and I can finally be together..
Later that night when everyone is asleep I go outside to get some air.

It was beautiful tonight and there were many stars in the sky.

"You're still awake?" I hear and I turn my head to see Jimin walking over to me.

"Yeah I couldn't sleep." I say as I stare up at the sky.

"I know that feeling. Whenever I was younger and I couldn't sleep I would always come out here and stare up at the sky." Jimin says in a soft voice.

I glance over at him to see him looking up at the sky.

"Today was pretty crazy, huh." I laugh slightly.

"Yeah. I wasn't expecting all of the confessions."Jimin says.

"All of the confessions?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

Jimin looks over at me and shakes his head.

"It's not really important. I'm just glad that we're able to date freely." He smiles.

When I glance over I see that he's already looking at me.

"Me too." I smile.

"I'm really happy." He says, his voice soft.

"I am too." I say.

I see Jimin staring at me and start to feel embarrassed.

"What?" I ask.

"You're just so beautiful." He says, furthering my blush.

Then I see him leaning in.

My heart starts to pound in my chest but I don't pull back.

Jimin reaches his hand out and turns my head on an angle, our lips touching.

Sparks fly as he kisses me gently.

"Sh! They'll hear us!" I hear someone hiss and Jimin and I  break apart and turn, only to see all of the guys, plus Jimin's brother, watching us.

When they see us they tumble, falling out onto the deck.

Jimin and I start to laugh as they hiss in pain.

"Don't mind us! We were sleep walking!" Jimin's brother says as he motions everyone back inside.

Once they're gone Jimin laughs.

"He must think I'm stupid." Jimin says and I laugh and pull my bottom lip between my teeth.

BLUE SKIES || PJM✔️Where stories live. Discover now