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Ever since the night of the car accident the guys have been babying me more even though it wasn't bad at all.

At least I knew that they really considered me part of the family.

That made me happy at least.

"Here, let me do it for you." Yoongi says as he grabs the dish out of my hand and serves me food.

"What, are you gonna feed me too?" I ask and that earns a glance from Jimin and the others.

"Kidding." I say as I pull my lips in.

Yoongi walks the plate over to the table then sets it down in front of me.

The guys side eye me as I eat.

I know it was just them being brotherly and caring about me but it was a bit uncomfortable to constantly be fawned over.

Nonetheless, I let it slide and didn't say anything.

I was grateful to have them here helping me.

It meant a lot.

"Do you guys have promotions today?" I ask after a moment.

"That starts next week." Namjoon confirms.

"Ahh. So what's the plan for today?" I ask.

"Just relax I guess." He says and I smile.

"We can have a movie night. I'll go out and buy snacks." I grin.

"I'll go too." Jimin is quick to offer.

"Plus it'll be dark so you shouldn't walk alone." He says.

He had a point.

"Alright. Thanks." I smile then continue to eat my food.

I was looking forward to tonight and honestly, I was happy that Jimin had offered to go with.

Lately I felt as if whatever feelings I had for him were becoming stronger.

"No problem." Jimin smiles.

I was definitely looking forward to this movie night.
When the time finally came, Jimin and I headed out to the convenience store.

That's when I realized halfway that I'd be seeing Shownu.

Not that it mattered now but it was a bit awkward because Jimin knew everything.

"What are you thinking about? You seem lost in thought." Jimin says from beside me.

I glance over at him and shake my head.

"Nothing really. I'm just thinking about what movie we should watch." I lie as I reach out for the door but Jimin beats me to it.

He motions me to go first and I head inside with Jimin trailing behind me.

"Welcome- oh, hey y/n." I hear and look up to see Shownu smiling at me.

"Hey." I wave as I head to the nearest rack to gather some snacks.

Jimin grabs a bunch of things too, clearly knowing what the guys liked and would want.

Once we gathered everything we set them down at the register.

"I'll pay." Jimin says but before I can object he's already handing over the money.

"Are you two partying or something?" Shownu asks, glancing at Jimin who wasn't trying too hard to go unnoticed.

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