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"We're here!" I say happily as Jimin and I finally arrive back in my hometown.

"It's so early here." Jimin yawns as he looks around.

"Yeah, we can rest when we get to my house." I say and smile over at him.

It felt good to be back and definitely with Jimin by my side.

I was looking forward to what this visit was going to bring.
When Jimin and I arrived at my house It was around 4am.

Our flight had landed here around 3am so we were definitely exhausted.

When I open the door I usher Jimin in, both of us trying to be as quiet as mice.

"Let's go." I say as I lock the front door and guide Jimin to my old bedroom.

I hadn't been back home in months now so I didn't know what happened to my old things.

Knowing my mom, it was all packed away and the room was used for something else.

So when I opened my door I was definitely surprised to see my bed still up and some of my things still placed around the room.

"You can put your things over there then we can sleep." I say as I set my bags down and sit down on the bed.

"We're both sleeping here?" He asks as he points to the bed.

"I don't see why not. It's a queen size." I say.

Jimin looks a bit hesitant.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I'll sleep on the couch or something." I say but he's quick to object.

"No, I don't mind." He says.

I watch him for a moment before nodding.

"Then come on." I say as I pat the bed.

He lays down and I do too, turning the lamp off in the process.

I glanced over and laughed a little.

Jimin was laying there with his hands at his sides, not moving at all.

"Why are you so tense? It's not like we're doing anything wrong." I say.

Jimin looks over at me and shrugs.

"What if someone walks in before we wake up. I don't want to make a bad first impression." Jimin says.

"It's fine, you won't. My family is more laidback then you'd think. It's okay, really." I say.

Jimin seems to think for a minute before he nods.

"Let's just sleep. I'm tired." I yawn as I turn on my side.

The last thing I remember was Jimin's soft "Goodnight." Before I fell asleep.
When I woke up again I heard Jimin's soft voice and I glance over to see him on the phone.

"Yes, we made it here safely, hyung." He says and I smile as I sit up and run my fingers through my hair.

Jimin clearly notices because he turns around to face me.

"Y/n just woke up. I'll text you later." He says before hanging up.

"How did you sleep?" Jimin asks as he sets his phone done.

"Alright I guess. I'm still tired." I yawn as I fall forward into Jimin's Chest.

"Get some more rest tonight, okay?" Jimin says as his hand rests on the back of my head gently as the other wraps around my back.

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