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When the bus came to a stop I shook Jimin awake.

At first he refused but then he finally woke up.

The walk back to the dorm he just talked about how tired he was and I felt that on a spiritual level.

"Do you think the guys will be home by now?" I ask and Jimin looks down at his phone and shrugs.

"I'm not sure. It's still decently early." He says but it was already 10pm.

He considers that decently early??

When we get inside I offer to make food and Jimin doesn't turn it down.

I end up making some ramen simply bcuz it was easy then the two of us sat down to eat it.

"Want to hear something you might find interesting." I say out of nowhere.

"What is it?" Jimin asks as he looks up at me.

"Today while I was out getting lunch I overheard some of your fans talking." I say and I see Jimin smile instantly.

"Really? What were they talking about?" He asks.

He seemed genuinely interested and it was cute.

"They pointed out that you seem happier these days." I say and Jimin grins.

"Hmm, I guess I am happier these days."

"Why is that?" I ask, thinking back to what the girls had said.

"I don't think there's a reason in particular." Jimin says with a shrug.

"The girls thought it's because you're in love." I say and he looks up, his eyes slightly wide.

"I wonder why they have that idea." He says and I laugh.

"That's what I found funny. You said you don't have time to date so how would you be in love. I bet there isn't even someone you like." I say.

When Jimin doesn't say anything I raise my eyebrows.

"There isn't, is there?" I ask.

Jimin looks up at me and takes a bite of his ramen.

"It's complicated." He says and I feel excited.

"Ahh! Who is she? I'd love to meet her!" I say happily.

"I don't think so." He says with a nervous smile.

"Why not? You like her don't you?" I frown.

"Yeah but.."

"But what? Who is she? You can tell me." I say.

Jimin mumbles something but I don't catch it.


"I said it's you, okay."

I blink at Jimin repeatedly, thinking maybe I had misheard him.

"Me?" I ask, pointing towards myself.

"I know I shouldn't so that's why I'm not acting on it. Don't tell the guys please. I don't want them to get mad at me."  Jimin says as he looks away from me.

"I won't tell anyone. I just want to know, why me?" I ask.

Jimin smiles without even looking towards me.

"I'm not sure. It's just that when I'm near you I get nervous and yet happy at the same time. Even though Jin told us we shouldn't like you I can't help it. I just do." Jimin shrugs.

"So now what?" I ask.

Jimin looks over at me and shrugs again.

"I don't know. I didn't even think I'd ever confess to you. It's awkward isn't it?" Jimin asks but I shake my head.

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