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"Y/n, check this person out." Shownu says as he retorts to the back room.

I do as I'm told and mentally sigh.

It had been a couple days now and I couldn't remember what day the guys would be back.

At this point, everything was a blur.

I'm falling behind in my assignments, I'm not eating properly, and I'm stressed because Shownu keeps piling work onto me.

It's like he thinks he's better then me.

I need a drink;or five.
Hours past and my boss shows up.

"You can leave. I'll take over." He says.

Right now, he looked like an angel.

"Thank you. Goodnight." I say as I bow then practically run out the door.

I was serious when I said I'd need a drink.

That's why I was already on my way to buy some.

Tonight is my time to let go and relax.

Even just for a little.

"Ah! Finally, we're home!" Taehyung says as he sits up in his seat.

After a long trip, we were finally back home.

"Help me unpack the car." Nmajoon groans as he starts to pull bags from the trunk.

"Okay." I say and go to help.

After we unpack we finally head inside.

"Oh my." I hear.

"What?" I ask but I answer my own question as I walk into the house.

There y/n was on the couch, surrounded by alcohol bottles, most empty.

"You're home!" She says, hiccuping.

"What happened while we were gone?" Jungkook whispers.

"Someone take that away from her." Yoongi groans as he heads towards his room.

I let out a breath and sit down beside her.

"Let me see that." I say as I reach for the bottle but she reaches out and puts her finger to my lips, taking me by surprise.

"I know I freaked out when you touched me but it's okay, really, I dont hate you." Y/n slurs.

"What is she talking about?" Jin asks, giving me a very displeased look.

"It's not what you think. All I did was praise her and ruffle her hair." I say quickly so no one else gets the wrong idea.

"I was just scared because of that bastard Shownu." y/n says, her words slurred and angry.

"Did you know he's an asshole? He made me like him then he told me to leave. He's so inconsiderate." Y/n says.

"But you- you're nice. And cute. You wouldn't tell me to leave, would you?" Y/n continues on.

"She's drunk. We should get her to bed." Namjoon says as he bends down at her side.

"Let's go to sleep, okay." He says gently as if talking to a baby.

"That bastard. He works me till I'm exhausted. He doesn't care at all..and he calls me heartless." Y/n scoffs as she grabs onto Namjoon's shoulder and shakes him.

Namjoon looks over at us as if to signal help and so we help him get her to her room.

"Goodnight! I love you guys! So nice and handsome." Y/n says in cute voice.

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