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"I'm so excited!" Y/n beams on the car ride over to the Seventeen dance studio.

"Why? I thought you didn't even like kpop that much." Yoongi says.

"Yeah but as I was looking into your music I found them and I fell in love!" She smiles widely.

"You like them more than you like us?" Yoongi asks.

"I never said that." Y/n says as she glances over at me.

"Right. Y/n likes us best so there's no need to worry." I say as I glance down at y/n who was sitting beside me in the van.

"Right." Y/n confirms as she moves her hand onto mine.

"Yeah I Mean What are the odds that she likes one of them and falls in love with them." Jungkook says but the way he said it was as if to make me think too much about it.

And that's exactly what I did.
"Hey guys, it's been so long!" Vernon smiles as he hugs us.

We had just arrived at the dance studio and y/n seemed overjoyed.

"You guys have gained so much popularity since the last time we all hung out like this." Joshua says as he guides us all inside.

Y/n stayed near my side and yet I could practically feel the excitement rolling off of her in waves.

"A lot has happened recently." Namjoon says as he looks around.

"I see. Who is this?" S.coups asks as he looks in y/n's direction.

"I'm y/n, I live with the guys." Y/n says as she bows.

"Oh, really? That's unheard of." Jeonghan says and y/n stands up straight and smiles.

"It just sort of happened that way." She says.

"Don't forget to mention that your Jimin's girlfriend." Hoseok says and the members of Seventeen instantly look taken back.

"You two are dating?!" Hoshi asks with wide eyes.

"We are." I confirm as I wrap an arm around y/n.

She smiles up at me and nods.

"How long have you two been together?" Minguy asks.

"A couple months now." I say and a couple of the guys make and 'ah' sound.

"Aside from that, How have you guys been? I see you're doing quite a bit. You must be busy." Jin says as he sits down on one of the spiny chairs.

"We've been great!"

"I'm glad. Since it's been so long since we've seen you guys like this we have lots to catch up on." Tae says and everyone replies with:

"We sure do."
As everyone talked and caught each other up on our lives, I notice y/n.

She was standing near the mini fridge and next to her was Vernon.

Over all of the noise I couldn't hear what was being said but what Jungkook had said earlier instantly popped into my head.

Judging by the way y/n was smiling and how much she was laughing, I assumed her and Vernon were really getting along.

I wish I wasn't letting what Jungkook had said get to me but I was.

I groan to myself as I watch y/n laugh at something Vernon had said.

I guess you could say I was getting a bit jealous..
"So you speak fluent English?" Vernon asks, a wide smile on his face.

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