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Just as I finally go to answer, a phone rings.

"Oh, let me get that! Come inside and set your things down. I'll make some food. You all look so thin!" My mom says as she pokes my stomach then heads inside.

"I want to show you something, hyung!" My brother says as he grabs my hand and drags me towards his room.

"Come on." I hear Jin say from behind me as he guides them inside.

Of course the guys had been here before so this was nothing new for us.

"What is it?" I ask once we get into Ji Hyun's room.

"You like that girl right?" He asks, a smile taking over his face.

"Why do you ask?" I ask as I glance around his room.

"Why else would you bring her here to meet us? If she's just a housemate I mean." He says.

I watch as he watches me with impatient eyes.

"So, do you?" He presses.

"Maybe I do. It's not like it matters anyway." I sigh.

"Why do you say that?" Ji Hyun asks.

"The house rule was not to fall for her and I feel like I'm letting them down if I do. So I can't act on it." I say.

"That's stupid. If you like her and she likes you you should be with her. I'm sure they'll understand." My brother says.

I smile then pull him under my arm and ruffle his hair.

"You talk as if you know so much about love." I laugh.

"Yah! I do." Ji Hyun says as he gets out of my grasp.

I laugh and let him out.

"Boys, food!" My mother calls and Ji Hyun and I exchange glances before running towards the kitchen.

When we get in there I see that everyone is already seated.

Y/n looks up and our eyes meet.

Ji Hyun grins at me before sitting down next to Jungkook.

Since they were the same age the always got along well.

"Sit here!" My mom smiles as she pats the spot beside her and y/n.

I make my way over and sit down.

"Eat up boys. Forget about diets. You are too thin as it is." My mom says as she shoves food at me.

"So y/n." She says and y/n looks up.


"How long have you been living with them?" She asks.

"A couple months now. They're all very nice." Y/n smiles.

"Mmm, are you close with anyone in particular?" She asks as she glances over at me.

I could see what she was doing and if she continues, it wouldn't end well for me.

"I like to think I'm close to all of them." Y/n smiles.

"Yeah but her and Jimin are usually always together." Jin says as he looks our way.

Y/n looks up at me and I bite the inside of my lip.

"That's probably just because they've found common interests. Don't think too much into it." My brother says and I mentally thank him.

"You're probably right." Jin says as he goes back to eating.

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