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"I can't believe you live with famous people." Shownu says in a dreamy sigh.

"They Really Are Just normal people." I say.

"Yeah, normal people who make music and have millions of followers." Shownu continues.

"Why are you talking about this anyway? Shouldn't we be working?" I ask as I move past him behind the counter to get to the register.

"It's just so crazy to me. Plus you're dating one of them." He says and I glance over at him to see him frowning.

"He's really sweet you know." I say as I think about Jimin and smile instantly.

Shownu is silent for a moment but when he does speak it's just to say get "back to work."
After my shift ended Shownu insisted on walking me home.

Seeing as he already knew the secret, I agreed.

"How are you and Jimin by the way?" Shownu asks.

"We're good." I say and he looks down at me.

"I'm sorry I missed my chance." He says softly.

I stop in my tracks and look at him as he continues to walk.

When he notices, he stops too.

"What?" He asks.

"Why are you apologizing right now?"

Shownu walks back to my side and speaks.

"I just regret it I guess." He says and I look over at him shocked.

"Maybe it was for the best." I say and he raises his eyebrows.

"We're still in each other's lives. Sure, things didn't exactly turn out the way we thought but everything happens for a reason." I say as we begin to approach the dorm.

"I guess you're right." Shownu says as he stops in front of the front door.

"Of course I am. I'm happy you're in my life." I say.

I'm taken back as Shownu leans forward and wraps his arms around me.

It was going on 10pm and y/n still wasn't home.

She hadn't texted either so I was beginning to get worried.

I grabbed my coat and headed for the door.

Just as I went to reach for the handle I heard voices from behind it.

"I guess you're right." I hear a guy's voice say.

Shownu's voice to be exact.

"Of course I am. I'm really glad you're in my life." Y/n says and I can hear the smile in her words.

When things go silent I push the front door open only to be faced with Shownu's arms around y/n.

I cough as y/n's head turns my way.

Shownu pulls away and looks at me before letting go.

"I'll see you Monday." He says before heading off.

Once shownu is out of sight y/n turns to me.


"Let's get inside." I say as I wrap an arm around her and pull her into the dorm.

Once Jimin and I get inside we sit down on the couch.

The atmosphere around us felt a bit awkward and I'm sure it was because of what just happened with Shownu.

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