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After we all introduced ourselves I began to settle in.

It would definitely be strange living with seven guys, especially when I thought I'd be living with seven girls.

I hadn't expected this to happen.

Now there was no going back, seeing as I had already spent all of the money I had on the payment and the flight here.

A knock on my door sends me alert.

"Come In." I say and the door opens, revealing a guys with light brown hair and plump lips.

He was the guy who had introduced himself as Park Jimin.

I remember picking him out as the "cutest" when I had seen photos of BTS.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I just wanted to offer my help." He says, his eyes soft.

I look around at my things and bite my lip in a way of concentration.

"Hmm, maybe make the bed?" I ask.

He bows halfway and walks over to my bed, grabbing the sheets.

I watch him for a moment before walking over to my bag and pulling out my clothes.

I then begin to hang them up in the closet.

"Are you sure this isn't an inconvenience to you all?" I ask suddenly.

"Not at all. Sure, it's weird seeing as none of us expected this but It seems like everyone is fine with it." Jimin says as he smiles my way.

"I just don't understand it. You guys are famous and it just makes no sense for me to be living here of all places." I say.

He looks my way then shrugs.

"Really, we're normal people just like you." He says.

I take in his expression before turning to face the closet again.

"So it really isn't a problem?" I ask.

"Of course not. I'm sure we'll all love having a girl here. It's like a sister visiting. It'll be fun." Jimin says from behind me.

"Well alright. I'll try to stay out of your way and I'll keep to myself. You won't even know I'm here." I say as I finish up with my clothes.

After I'm finished I unpack the rest of my things with the help of Jimin.

As we finish up I hear a phone go off but it wasn't mine.

"Dinner is ready." Jimin says as he stands.

We exchanged glances before I follow him out.
Once we get into the kitchen I feel as if all eyes are on me.

"I hope you like it. I wasn't sure what you liked and disliked so I just made something I was sure everyone enjoyed!" Jin says as he passes me a bowl and plate of food.

"It looks great. Thank you." I say as I bow my head.

"You don't have to be formal with us. You're around the same age as us, right?" Namjoon smiles.

"I'm twenty-two." I say and Jimin smiles.

"You're closest to mine and Taehyung's age." He says and Tae smiles widely and nods.

"I'd says pretty in between most of our ages." Namjoon then says.

"Besides, we'll be living together from now on. Just look at us as your big brothers!" Jin says while smiling widely.

I look around at all of their faces and smile.


"Now eat up." Hoseok says as he motions to the food.

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