Chapter One - Sleepover

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"Sophie! There you are!" Biana, Sophie's teal eyed friend squealed from somewhere behind her.
"We have a sleepover at Everglen tonight!" Biana continued.
"Wait, let me hail Edaline first," Sophie giggled, excited to see Fitz.
"She actually just brought your stuff over after school! Also... Tam and Keefe are going to be there too, Soph," Biana reminded, winking. She loved teasing Sophie for liking her brother.
"Sophie, it's sooo obvious! You too are so oblivious! I can't believe you don't know yet!" Biana gushed as she rolled her sparkly teal eyes.
Did Biana just imply Fitz liked me? Sophie thought to herself. She shook the thought away, embarrassed to be thinking of such things.
"I- Don't- It's not a crush," Sophie stammered. She flushed as red as the dress Biana was wearing.
Biana did the biggest eye roll ever. "Whatever, lovebird. Come here, it's makeover time!!"

Sophie wailed. She was not ready to look like a model with Biana's makeup. "Please, Biana!! No makeup please!"
Biana wiggled her eyebrows and whispered, "But don't you want to impress Fitz?!"
Sophie flushed immediately. She had actually considered looking nice for Fitz. Embarrassed as ever, she hastily agreed to let Biana do her makeup, while covering her red face with her curtain of blond hair.

Hey guys, so this is my first fanfiction, so please don't judge too much. (Also sorry it's so short...) Feel free to leave a comment, and tell me who you ship Sophie with!! I will probably be able to update on a normal schedule, like every few days (or every day if I feel like it)!Also, promise the next chapters will get more interesting, I kinda had to start off with something, ya know?
Love, Jessica 😜

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