Chapter Twelve - First Confessions

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As Sophie scurried through the packed crowd of prodigies at the orientation, she stopped around the corner. She wanted to see if Fitz said anything else to Stina.

However, by the time she'd turned around, all she'd seen was a smirking Stina with her arm linked with Fitz's.

Sophie stopped cold. Her heart faltered.

Surely she hadn't seen right. Surely Fitz had better taste in girls than Stina. Ew, Sophie mimed gagging.

Keefe caught Sophie's gagging.

"You sure you don't need me to take you to Elwin?" He suggested, smirking.

"Wooahhh," Keefe said quickly, "I was just hit with a wave of your emotions. I think jealousy and attraction were definitely there."

Sophie blushed. Jealousy was there, but attraction to Keefe? Not so much. (Ouch.)

"I think it's better if you just take me to Elwin," Sophie said, desperately trying to change the subject.

Keefe groaned. Clearly he had meant it as a joke.


As Sophie walked into Elwin's clinic, she spotted a portrait of herself with a golden frame around it.

Next to it, there was a plaque that read:

Star Patient: Sophie Foster
A prodigy whom somehow cannot stray away from ending up in my office every day.

Sophie scowled. It wasn't even a good picture of herself. This only made Keefe howl louder.

Elwin lowered his glasses as soon as he'd spotted them (or heard Keefe guffawing with laughter).

"What brings you here today, Miss Foster? Surely you didn't-"

Sophie cut Elwin off before he could spoil one of her secrets. "I just had a headache, that's all."

Elwin frowned. "You sure it's nothing else? I mean, you usually come here pretty much dead or half-dead!"

Keefe let out a chuckle.

"No, it's okay." Sophie turned to face Keefe. "Do you mind?"

Keefe left in a hurry.

As soon as Keefe was out of sight, Sophie leaned in toward Elwin's ear to whisper something.

"I need to confess something, Elwin, but I just can't! Can you help me?"

Elwin once again frowned. "You what? I swear, if this has to do with the Council-"

"No, it's a secret I need to tell Fi - er - someone. I can't bring myself to say it."

"Well, is it for your Telepathy lessons with Fitz?"

Sophie whipped her head up fast. How did Elwin know?!

"My only advice is to take deep breaths, and focus on the trust you have for Fitz. You can't become Cognates if you don't spill this last secret."

Sophie contemplated the thought for a while. Elwin did make a very valid point. If she didn't say her last secret, she would ruin their chances of having a strong bond- becoming Cognates.

"Okay," Sophie agreed confidently.


Telepathy rolled around rather quickly. Besides being bored out of her mind from Elvin History, nervousness began to sink in.

Fitz greeted her outside the room as usual, and walked with her inside. Sophie was breathing heavily, and her palms were getting clammier by the second.

"You okay?" Fitz asked, noticing Sophie's nervous attitude.

"Yeah," Sophie responded, despite her mind frantically shouting "No!"

Tiergan was seated behind his usual wooden desk in the room. Today was the day Sophie had to reveal her last secret, he had said before.

Sophie tugged out an itchy eyelash as she sat down in the velvety chair.

Stealing a hasty glance at Fitz, she was surprised he looked nervous too.

She was startled as a tiny voice entered her mind. (Fitz is bold, Sophie is italics.)

I really didn't want to do this...

Me neither. This is possibly the most nervous I've been in a while.

We could count to three and get it over with, right?

Or we could stall until class is over, Sophie suggested.

Tiergan would find out sooner or later.

Sophie groaned in response. As much as she wanted to deny it, there was no escaping this room without saying her secret. She was as good as dead.

Sophie was finishing up her mental breakdown when Fitz's voice yet again interrupted her thoughts.

On three.

Sophie gulped.


She took a deep breath like Elwin said before.


She straightened her posture.


I- I... Sophie started.

A/N ANNDDDD CUTT!! Sorry for the cliffhanger. I needed an ending. To all of you people dying of anticipation, you'll have to wait 'till chapter thirteen. Rip you.
On that note, have an untraumatizing day/night!
Love, Jessica 😞

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