Chapter Six - Gone

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Keefe's smugness returned to him.

Did the infamous Foster like him?

Stop, he thought to himself. We're playing Base Quest, not going on a date.
Grinning like a fool, Keefe met Sophie's gaze and agreed to the spot under the Panakes Tree.

"Will do," Keefe stated simply, willing to put the "almost kiss" between Sophie and Fitz, behind him.

Shortly after, Sophie transmitted to the other team - consisting of Biana, Tam, and Fitz - that they were ready to start.


When the game finally started, Keefe had no idea where Sophie had gone off to. After a while of searching, he resorted to transmitting to her instead.

Sophie? He tried transmitting to her.
There was no response. The only response back was a feeling of emptiness in his heart.

Keefe sighed. It was only minutes into the game - Sophie was missing, and they were surely going to lose.

He tried transmitting again, this time with more energy and confidence.


Keefe heard a faint sound. A mumble almost. He could almost tell where the sound was coming from.

Behind the bush, maybe? Keefe considered.
She wasn't there.
She wasn't behind the gates, nor the tall, wild grasses.

It was only when Keefe thought to look behind a tall, pink Sakura tree did he see Sophie and Fitz sitting behind it. Not only were they sitting, but Fitz was whispering in her ear, and making her to giggle. The moment was almost...


Keefe couldn't believe it. He needed to calm himself calm - before he said something he would regret later.
With his back pressed up against the rough bark of he tree, he slowly lowered himself to the leaf-covered forest floor, and covered his crestfallen face with his hands.


After a considerable lapse of time, Keefe rose up from his sitting position and confronted his friend, Fitz.

"Dude, what the hell?!"

A/N I'm so sorry for the cliffhanger, but it is my duty as a Wattpad author to ruin your lives with frustrating endings to chapters! (Muahah!)
This has been my longest chapter yet, and I'm so worried about what's going to happen to Fitz next! Stay tuned for chapter six! Thanks so much for reading, lovelies! 💜
Love, Jessica 😯

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