Chapter Fifteen - Regrets

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Sophie saw Keefe at orientation the next day. She gave him a cheerful smile, trying to put the eventful week behind them. He returned hers with a weak smile.

Sophie cocked her head to the side, and walked over to him. She wasn't used to seeing him so down all the time.

She tapped her foot impatiently. "Keefe... I thought we discussed this earlier," she said, not wanted to have to spell everything out.

He inhaled a shaky breath and finally spoke.

"Sophie, I can't do this anymore. You need to choose, before I do something I'll regret," Keefe said in a serious tone, hurt visible in his icy eyes.

Sophie was taken aback. This was a lose-lose situation for her. She didn't want to choose between anyone, and she certainly didn't want anyone to be hurt by Keefe's actions.

"Give me time to think it over, Keefe," Sophie reasoned.

Sophie turned on her heel to walked away, but was quickly spun around again by a strong arm on her shoulder.

It was Keefe.

He advanced quickly. Sophie hadn't seen it coming.

It was too late before she could object.

Keefe leaned in and planted a rough, urgent kiss on Sophie's lips.


This wasn't meant to be, Sophie mused. I feel no spark between us. It's just like when Dex kissed me.

Sophie tried to push Keefe off of her, to avoid leading him on. She didn't need him to think she was kissing him back.

But he had an iron grip on her.

Suddenly, it was as if a huge weight had been lifted from her. Fitz had grabbed and restrained Keefe from behind.

He was glaring at a very sorry looking Keefe.

"She doesn't want you, Keefe. Back off."

A/N  OOHHH BUSTED! Sorry to all those Sokeefe shippers out there but this ain't gonna work out. Sorry I was practically nonexistent for the past few weeks, I just was lacking motivation. (Also, when I was writing this, I kept typing Leefe instead of Keefe lol.) Anyway, hope you enjoyed, and plz leave a comment! (That would be noice!)
Hope you have a noice day/night!!
Love, Jessica 🙂

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