Chapter Eight - Realizations

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"Dude, what the hell?!"

Fitz whirled around to where Sophie was staring.


"Look, I can explain —" Fitz started.

"I don't need an explanation, Fitz!" Keefe growled. "It's seems Sophie's wandered off into the arms of my best friend in the middle of a game!"

Keefe had gotten it all wrong. He also used Sophie's real name.

Keefe shot another menacing glare at Fitz, and turned on his heel, storming away. He raised his home crystal above his head, and stepped into the beam of light, teleporting back to Candleshade.

Fitz and Sophie had done nothing to stop him from leaving. They were in a state of shock.

Fitz slowly turned his gaze to Sophie after several moments of silence. "Hey, I'm sorry, it was my fault that Keefe got mad."

Sophie didn't want to speak to anyone about Keefe right now. It's already bad enough for him, She thought.

"Is it okay if we just lightleap back to Everglen? I need to speak to Biana," Sophie said, without even sparing a glance at Fitz.

"Sure," Fitz muttered, voice filled with hurt.

Sophie reached over to her imparter, decorated with teal, icy blue, and periwinkle gems. She had it specially made as a constant reminder of her friendships.

Sophie hailed Biana, expecting her to not have her imparter nearby. Biana surprisingly picked up on the first ring.

"Hey Biana, lightleap to Everglen now, I have to talk to you about," Sophie glanced over to make sure Fitz didn't hear, "Keefe."

Biana nodded in understanding. "Okay, but tell me the whole story! No forgetting details!"

Classic gossip girl, Sophie thought, smiling.


When Sophie and Fitz arrived at Everglen, Biana was already impatiently tapping her foot on the extravagant staircase landing.

"Took you long enough Soph! Come in my room!" Biana shouted, heading toward her massive castle of a bedroom.

Sophie sprinted up the polished marble stairs, not tripping for once, and jogged down the hall to Biana's room.

Sophie sucked in a breath. Every time she walked into Biana's room, she felt like she was  in a dream.

For starters, it was enormous, furnished with mostly pink furniture. There was a wooden bureau in the corner, with a matching chair that look practically like a queen's throne. There was a pink bed with a canopy atop, decorated with the most expensive jewels.

In the middle of the room, a massive chandelier hung from the ceiling, with pieces of glass and crystals as sharp as daggers dangling from it.

Despite all the expensive furniture, she found Biana to be the most beautiful thing in the room. With her smooth, fair skin and her gorgeous, sparkling teal eyes, it was difficult to say otherwise.

Biana giggled at Sophie's gawking. "You can stop with the ogling now, you're practically drooling! Also, you said you had a story to tell me."

Sophie flushed a deep red. She forgot Biana had been watching her the whole time.

Sitting down on the comfy, pink bed, Sophie began to tell her the whole story.


Biana looked more and more depressed the deeper Sophie got in the story.

"Soph... I think..." Biana interrupted, scooting closer to Sophie. "I think Keefe likes you."

Sophie frowned. She knew Biana had a huge crush on Keefe for a while now.

"There's no way! He - he likes you for sure!" Sophie said, trying to reassure Biana.

"Haven't you noticed? Keefe was so jealous when Fitz brought you to the Sakura Tree. Haven't you seen the way he stares at you?" Biana asked.

Sophie thought about it for a moment.

The pieces fit together.

Oh my god, she thought. I think I broke Keefe's heart.

A/N Ok, sorry if there are any typos, this chapter was only proofread once. But I'm so sorry about the ending! Keefe's heart was broken by Sophieee!
I hope you liked the chapter, and continue to read, vote and comment!
Have a noice day/night!
~Love, Jessica 😢

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