Chapter Fourteen - Good Truths

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Sophie? Sophie, are you there?

Sophie really wanted to open her eyes, but she couldn't. They were glued shut.

She was able to take in all her surroundings through her senses. As she felt around with her fingers, they touched a soft mattress.

Great, she thought, I'm back in Elwin's office.

Sophie head was swarming with ideas of how she'd ended up here — like usual. She couldn't remember anything! Every thought she tried to grasp with her mind slipped away.

But then she remembered. It all came flooding back.

I feel the same way.

The voice echoed through her pounding head. It couldn't be true. Surely it was a dream?

No. She had felt his hand touch her face right before, leaving a fiery trail on her skin. She had remembered her heart pounding violently in her chest. It was all too real.

That in itself was enough to jolt herself fully awake. Her eyes shot open, revealing a quite worried looking Elwin leaning over Sophie.

"Ah, yes! You're back! Fitz told me you fainted due to er —private— business."

Sophie stiffened. Surely Fitz didn't tell Elwin about everything.

"No worries — he didn't say what it was," Elwin assured.

Sophie let out a breath.

"But you still fainted nevertheless; Fitz caught you, so you didn't break anything, but I still want you to take it easy," he explained.

Sophie nodded, waiting for Elwin to release her. The tension was already unbearable.

"Fitz is actually waiting for you outside the door, he was begging to see if you were okay. I think it would be best if he escorted you to your last class today."

"Sounds good," Sophie said, not really paying attention to anything Elwin had said. She really needed to talk with Fitz.

As soon as Elwin finished his usual lecture about which medications to take, and how she had to come to him immediately if anything happened, she was free to go.

Sophie sprinted out of Elwin's office—glad to be finally out of there— and approached a very anxious looking Fitz.

"So," Fitz said to Sophie.

Sophie echoed him back with another "So."

"About earlier today..." Fitz started saying.

Sophie gestured for him to continue.

"I honestly can't blame you for fainting in there, I was on the verge of collapsing too," he admitted sheepishly.

Sophie sucked in a breath as she said, "You weren't lying in there to make me feel better, right?" She lowered her voice into a whisper, "I almost feel as if it was too good to be true."

Fitz tucked a strand of Sophie's blond hair behind her ear as he whispered, "When you were in Elwin's office, I thought about it for a while. I was thinking how much you meant to me, and how much we went through together. I know it wasn't too good to be true because I know I'd have you by my side the rest of our lives to prove it."

Sophie wanted to look away. Her eyes were watering. She didn't need to have Fitz see her cry over something cheesy he'd just said.

Instead, she looked right into his sparkling teal eyes one more time, pulled him into an embrace, and rested her head on his shoulder.

A/N That was so cute, yet cheesy. I still hope you enjoyed the chapter, and continue to vote and tell your opinions in the comments!
Have a fantastical day/night, and have a lollipop 🍭.
Love, Jessica 😁

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