Chapter Eleven - Misconceived

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Sophie stood in front of the massive Leapmaster 5000.

Another day at Foxfire. A day where she would probably get herself nearly killed, find herself in Elwin's office, and blow up the school.

Seemed about right, Sophie thought.


As she found herself standing in front of the massive pyramid-shaped school, Sophie couldn't help but look forward to Telepathy. It was her special one-on-one class with Fitz.

Even his name made her heart flutter.

Sophie filed into the room where attendance was held. She had hoped to see at least one of her friends there.

A person approached her from behind, and yanked her by a strand of her golden-blond hair.

Sophie's head was jerked backward from the action, facing her in front of no other than Stina Heks.

"Oh. It's you," Sophie hissed, trying to keep her voice down, but failed.

Stina seethed back at her. "Stay away from him." She jerked her bony finger to where a handsome teal-eyed boy stood. "He doesn't belong to you."

"Well he doesn't belong to you eith-"

Fitz joined in on their conversation. "Were you guys just talking about me?" He said as he beamed at them.

Stina answered "Yes," while Sophie muttered a "No."

Sophie turned beet red.

"Sophie over here was just swooning over you, and confessing her love for y-"

"Okkayy! That's enough!" Sophie gushed, slapping a hand over Stina's mouth, before she could ruin anything else. As two-faced as Stina was, Sophie wouldn't let her ruin the friendship she had with Fitz.

"I should best be going now," Sophie muttered quickly, darting away in the crowd, not caring if she missed attendance.

Fitz and Stina shared looks.

"You know what's up with her?" Fitz asked casually.

"No, but she's just a brat."

Fitz frowned at that remark. He didn't get a chance to retort before Stina looped her arm through Fitz's and whisked them away.

But it wasn't before Sophie caught a glance at the two of them.

A/N Pooorrr Fitz! Stina just got him busted! Find out in the next chapter how Sophie reacts to this!
Hope you have a tremendously fabulous day/night!!
Love, Jessica 😌

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