Chapter Thirteen - Missed Connections

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I- I... Sophie started.

I can't!

Fitz looked back at her eyes with so much sympathy and understanding. He lifted a hand up to her chin to bring her gaze up from the floor. His touch sent a million sparks up her heated cheeks, and left a fire hotter than Everblaze in its wake.

"Sophie. I get that this is hard for you — it's hard for me too. But sometimes you have to just trust yourself to tell the truth, because frankly, if you don't, we'll never become cognates."

He said the last sentence with so much emotion that Sophie let out a quiet sob. She hated failing Fitz. She hated being the root of their problems. She hated seeing him hurt like this.

But her stupid secret couldn't escape her mouth.

Wait... Sophie thought. She paused as her face lit up.

"How about instead of telling you, I'll find a way to show you my secret." It was hard letting someone see things so personal to her, but it had to be done in order to be Cognates.

Sophie exhaled a deep breath, as she slowly projected memories one by one, and letting them slip away into Fitz's mind.

The first one was the very first time she'd met him. When she's noticed his impossibly teal eyes, and his charming smile. Whenever her heart fluttered when they locked eyes.

Sophie blushed while projecting this memory of him.

The next few memories were all the times Fitz had complimented her, saying her eyes were pretty, or suggesting she was beautiful. It made her heart fluttery and warm every time she thought about it.

The last memory took place under Calla's Panakes Tree. She remembered her heart pounding violently in her chest, and her voice cracking from the nerves Fitz was giving her. She remembered Fitz's breath warming her cheeks as he leaned in for —

Sophie stopped projecting. She couldn't do it anymore. All of these embarrassing moments she was sharing with Fitz made her brain mushy. She could see his mouth hanging open out of the corner of her eyes. It didn't make her feel any better about herself.

"You know, Fitz? I'm sorry you had to see all of that," Sophie somehow stuttered, internally cringing.

Sophie had left him speechless. But he fumbled for the words.

"Seeing all those—er—memories made me realize..." he trailed off, staring into space. "Made me realize..."

Sophie's heart practically stopped beating at his next words.

"I feel the same way."

Don't forget to comment your opinions on this chapter!
Have a stunning day/night!
Love, Jessica 😍

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