Chapter Nine - Silence and More of It

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Sophie paused and winced.

I need to find Keefe, she thought. I'm so so sorry.

Keefe was probably long gone now. The thought had never crossed her mind. Keefe was alone, betrayed, and heartbroken. All the emotions Sophie thought when Fitz was angry at her about Alden's mind breaking.

Sophie glanced at Biana, who almost looked more sorry than Sophie herself.

"Hey, I really need to go talk to Keefe right now. Is it ok if—"

"Yeah, yeah, just go," Biana waved her off.

Sophie had just lost two best friends in one day. Not a good start.


As Sophie was light leaping to Candleshade, uninvited, she contemplated what she was going to say.

My god have I screwed things up, She thought, shuddering.

As she appeared in a beam of light at Candleshade's leapmaster, she found it to be eerily quiet.

Almost too quiet. There was no sound; it was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"Hello?" Sophie's voice echoed into the halls, shattering the silence.

There was no response.

Sophie turned on her heel. She should've never come. Keefe wouldn't have been here anyway.

It was when she held her sparkling home crystal into the light, when a voice rang in her ears.


Sophie whirled around expectantly, only to find an impatient Lord Cassius tapping his foot on the polished, marble floors.

"Well? Don't just gawk at me," he said suddenly, tone rude. "You came here for a reason."

Well that was one way to treat a guest. Sophie waved it off.

"I came to see Keefe," Sophie stated, tone equally as harsh.

"He's not here. Now, I've got business with the Council," he explained, strutting toward the leapmaster.

So much for my attempt to talk to Keefe. Sophie rolled her "unusual" brown eyes.

Not that she mattered.


Also, what was Lord Cassius doing, meeting with the council?

This chapter is really weird. I'm having writers block. Suggest (plz) in the comments what Sophie should encounter next. This was a rushed chapter (a filler lol) written at 10 pm. No wonder it sucked.
Have a marvelous day/night, and I hope Sophie's dying reputation rests in your dreams at night.
Love, Jessica 😶

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