Chapter Ten - Mending Thoughts

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Sophie light leaped to Havenfield. It was a strange feeling coming back to her home with no motive. Usually one of her friends were with her.

Grady was waiting for her at the gate.

"Gone somewhere missy?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I was playing Base Quest..." Sophie didn't even try to hide the fact that she was miserable.

Grady cursed under his breath and muttered, "I swear if that Sencen boy did anything to hurt you..."

Sophie's face reddened quickly.

"No, no, noooooo," Sophie shouted, already running away from Grady's presence. His protectiveness over her got embarrassing sometimes.

Keefe may not have hurt her, but Sophie definitely hurt him.


Sophie needed to talk to Keefe and sort things out urgently. The past few days had been achingly painful; the guilt had really gotten to her.

She finally concluded she would head back to Candleshade.

It was worth a shot.


Sophie glanced at the looming tower before her.


She'd never understood Lord Cassius's intentions in making his home as creepy as possible.

Maybe to scare away all the girls who hurt his son, Sophie thought, shuddering.

As she approached the building, she started to shake uncontrollably. In the few days spent pacing at her house, not once did she so much as plan out what to say to Keefe.

Shortly after ringing the doorbell, the door slowly creeped open.

Keefe stood in the doorframe, posture more slouched than usual. His usually perfect blond hair fell in an uncared-for mess. He made no attempt to dress up, and was still wearing his pajamas at midday.

Sophie hated seeing him miserable like this.

Keefe's eyes widened when he saw who he'd opened the door for.

"I- I thought you were someone else. My father was expecting a- erm Councillor," Keefe stuttered.

Again with the Council business, Sophie thought. What did he have to do with the Council, anyway?

"Hey Keefe, can we go up to your room? I came here to say something to you." More like an apology.

Keefe looked like he really didn't want to, but nodded reluctantly.

Sophie followed him up to his 187th floor bedroom. She saw drawings of herself, Fitz, and Biana ripped off the wall and strewn messily over the floor. Sophie held back a stubborn tear.

Sophie got straight to the point. "Look, Keefe, I'm so incredibly sorry about what happened a few days ago. I- I didn't realize what was happening - it all happened so quick-"

Keefe cut her off, "I know, I was overreacting. I shouldn't have... You can choose who you want -I'm not forcing you into anything."

Sophie smiled for what felt like the first time in days.

"You sure?"

Keefe nodded weakly, and added a warm smile.

Sophie and Keefe's relationship had been mended.

Or so she thought.

A/N This chapter took so long to write because I just had an end of the year exam thingy (SOL). It was tedious. But thanks to all the readers who stuck around despite me hiding under a rock and not coming out for centuries.
Have a terrific day/night everyone!
Love, Jessica 🤔

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