Chapter Sixteen - Tears and Pranks

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Sophie wandered the halls of Foxfire, looking for someone—anyone.

It was like the world was on pause, not a soul to be seen. As she rounded a corner, she quickly realized that it wasn't completely empty.

"Fitz?" Sophie called, expecting an accented voice to reply. Instead, she heard quiet sobs coming from inside the bathroom.

As Sophie pushed open the creaky door, the muffled sobs became louder. She could make out a silhouette of a girl huddled in the corner. She took a few cautious steps toward the girl's direction, only to find that it was Biana.

"Biana? Why are you crying?" Sophie asked, placing a soothing hand on her friend's back.

"K-Keefe! H-He doesn't l-like me!" She managed between hiccups. Biana's usual bright face was red and puffy from crying. The teal dress she'd been wearing was soaked through with tears.

"Shh, it's okay..." Sophie whispered, tucking strands of Biana hair behind her ear.

Sophie stood up to get paper towels to dry Biana's tears, but found none in the dispenser. Biana rose to her feet and proceeded to wipe her face on the sleeve of her dress.

"I'm fine, Sophie. Thanks for finding me here," Biana said, grateful for her friend's compassion.

Sophie waved it off. "Any time."

The two girls were about to exit the girl's bathroom, when the door flew open, revealing a shocked Fitz.

"What are you two doing in the boys bathroom?!" Fitz asked, mortified by what he saw.

Sophie pointed to the sign of the bathroom door, trying to prove it was the girl's bathroom. But when her gaze met the sign, it depicted a male figure.

"I could swear it said a girl's bathroom before!" Sophie countered.

Biana and Fitz suspiciously narrowed their eyes simultaneously. "Keefe..." They both grumbled.

Keefe was known as the master of pranks. He was the cause of The Great Gulon Incident, and much more chaos.

Sophie glanced at her surroundings. She noticed a few stalls with toilets, and few sinks, and a trash can. But no urinals.

"Guys, I think this is a girl's bathroom," Biana said, thinking the same thing as Sophie.

They all glanced at the sign adorning the door, and this time it was a female figure.

"KEEFE!" Fitz, Sophie, and Biana shouted in annoyance.

A snicker was heard nearby.

A/N  Sorry for the lack of updates, I'm currently writing my other story, "Can't Hide from Shadows."  If you would like me to continue frequent updates on this book, feel free to leave me a comment telling me! (The support is much appreciated!)
Have a spectacular day/night!
Love, Jessica 😦

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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