Chapter Four - Base Quest

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If Sophie could kill herself right then, she would have.
Of course Biana had to see Fitz practically on top of Sophie from tickling her. If Biana didn't have such an innocent mind, she would've thought worse (hue hue 😏).

Biana couldn't help but bite her fist to keep from laughing, all while Sophie and Fitz were frantically trying to get as far away from each other as possible.

To make everything worse, Keefe and Tam had chose that precise moment to light leap to Everglen for the sleepover.
Keefe walked over towards all the commotion, sensing everyone's embarrassment in the air.

"I hope you weren't all playing 'Make Foster Blush' without me, now!" Keefe accused, smirking.

"No... we were just about to play Base Quest!" Fitz explained quickly, all while Sophie and Biana shouted completely different excuses.

"Okkkayyyy..." Keefe added suspiciously, dragging the 'ay.'

After an unbearably long and awkward silence, Biana finally said, "Well since Fitz suggested it, we should actually play Base Quest!"

No more than half a second after Biana finished her sentence, Keefe shouted, "I call Foster on my team! Team Foster-Keefe is unstoppable!!"

Sophie couldn't help but feel a bit of disappointment. If only Fitz was on my team, she thought.

Keefe sensed Sophie's hesitation immediately. He was jealous.

If only she knew...

A/N Muahaha I'm sorry for that cliffhanger. I think you can probably guess what's gonna go down after thatttt 😏. But anyway (stop flirting keefe), thanks so much for continuing to read my fanfic and voting! I love you and see you in my next chapter!
Love, Jessica 😉

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