Chapter Seven - Ruined

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*The same scene in chapter six but showing Sophie's side of the story*

Sophie was utterly lost in the woods. This couldn't be happening. She could swear she saw Keefe only seconds before. Too bad the Black Swan hadn't thought to give her any sense of direction along with her other abilities.

Keefe? She tried transmitting. He must've been preoccupied since no response came back.

Rounding the corner, Sophie stopped short when she slammed her head into a wall. Or what she thought was a wall.

Sophie winced and rubbed the side of her head. She looked up and was not expecting to see Fitz gaping back at her.

Of course he had to see her with a throbbing head and messy hair. Sophie let out a groan.

"Sophie, where did Keefe go? I seriously can't track him with my mind! How far is he?!" Fitz complained.

Sophie had no idea. "Fitz!" Sophie cried out before continuing. "The game just started and I've already lost him!" Sophie shouted as she threw her hands up in the air in frustration, completely ignoring the fact that he just acknowledged that.

Sophie was trying insanely hard not to embarrass herself or say something stupid in front of Fitz.

Perfect, stunning, Wonderboy. A boy that only brought out the good in me, Sophie thought.

She realized she was seriously falling for him.

So much so, that when he reached for her hand, it burned with an energy she had never felt before. She felt so... alive. The sparks were shooting up her arm and into her torso - enough to make her shudder.


Fitz had a gentle, loose grip on Sophie's burning hand, as he let her through the forest. The silence was almost too peaceful, if it weren't for the occasional bird chirp, or the crunching of leaves.

Sophie couldn't help but wonder where they were heading.

"Somewhere..." Fitz trailed off, answering her question. "You'll see."


Eventually, after what felt like hours of walking, they reached an enclosed, secluded area of trees. There was an enormous fuchsia colored Sakura Tree in the middle, its pink blossoms draped over a dainty bench in the middle. Sophie's eyes watered when they neared the Sakura, as it reminded her of Calla's Panakes Tree.

Fitz noticed Sophie's change of emotion immediately. "I figured you'd like this place," he said nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. "Here, let's sit on this bench," he suggested quickly, gesturing toward the sleek, polished seat.

They both sat on the bench in silence, and neither uttered a sound for a long while.

"So..." Sophie blurted out, breaking the silence. "What's the real reason you brought me here?" It was awkward to say, but she knew it had to be said.

Fitz inhaled sharply and sighed. "Remember that favor you owed me?" He whispered.

Sophie let out a nervous laugh. She did not see this coming. It was terrifying.

It was disheartening knowing that Fitz would never let this subject go.

"Well... my secret is..." Sophie chocked out. She was practically stalling for as long as possible now.

Her perfect getaway was a small rustle behind the Sakura Tree. She was almost about to point it out when her eyes widened. A familiar figure leaped out from behind the tree they were siting near.

"Dude, what the hell?!"

A/N I'm sorry these events are the same thing that happened in the last chapter, but I needed to put this out there, so Sophie and Fitz didn't seem too guilty. 😔 Thank you so much for reading, and have a spectacular day/night! (Side note: I'm proud of myself 'cause this is my longest chapter! 500 words)
Love, Jessica 😦

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