Chapter Three - Tickle War

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"Hey Sophie, what brings you to Everglen?" Fitz asked, flashing his movie star smile.

"Oh, it's just a sleepover tonight!" Sophie exclaimed, trying to sound as calm as possible. She knew calm was never an option around Fitz, especially with his stunning teal eyes and excellent looks.
Fitz looked at her with a confused expression and then slapped himself in the face. "That was today?! I haven't even gotten ready!"
Sophie looked away from him and accidentally blurted out, "But you look so good, like always!"

It was only when Fitz smirked at her did Sophie realize she was thinking out loud.


"You think so? I was actually about to go fix my hair..." Fitz admitted before adding, "Spending time with Keefe is really rubbing off on me, right?"
Sophie couldn't concentrate on his question because of what she had just blurted out.

"I- uh ... yes!" Sophie was as red as a tomato by now. She turned around desperate to find Biana as a distraction. Of course, being Sophie, she tripped on her gown and nearly fell to the floor, when a strong pair of arms caught her inches away from the floor.

Why couldn't the Black Swan at least have given her a little more coordination?

"Only so I could catch you more when you fall!" Fitz said suddenly.

He must've been reading Sophie's mind.

"Hey! You can't do that without permission!" Sophie whisper-yelled to Fitz.
"Not if I tickle you first!!! He countered.

Soon he was tackling her in tickles, and laughing nearly as hard as Sophie was.

And this was the exact moment Biana chose to walk in on them.

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