✰Five: I'm not the tease

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I'm double updating today because I'm feeling generous. That's right, you get chapter six today WOO


When I got home from detention, I was so relieved that my parents were at work, so they didn't know I was home from school later than usual. You still have to have your parents sign a dentition slip, but Luke signed my slip before I could protest. It's better than telling my parents I got a detention.

             I sat my backpack down, and I texted Calum.


     That cute Asian boy: But I'm with Michael


   That cute Asian boy: can't you just jerk off like everybody else why do I gotta solve your problems

          Now is not the time. This is why I have his contact name the way it is to annoy him.

         Me: I have tea about me and Luke

       That cute Asian boy: okay I'll be there in twenty

                I stifled a laugh, rolling my eyes playfully. Now about the situation that Luke caused. I still felt really embarrassed, and I didn't really know what to do. I looked around my room, thinking for a moment. I guess I could shower? Yeah, that's a good idea. A cold shower specifically, Calum told me that one time when I was half listening. I never thought I would need a cold shower.

I grabbed myself some clean clothes, and I headed for the shower. I winced at the chill of the cold water, but this was the only way to...feel better. Since I was already in there, I washed my body with my vanilla body soap. So what if it's not manly, it smells great. I washed my hair, and then I got out of the shower. A cold shower is terrible and uncomfortable , and I don't recommend it. Definitely one of the fastest showers I've ever taken.

I dried off my hair, and I wrapped a white towel around my waist, and left the bathroom. I checked the time, knowing I had a while before Calum arrived. Calum is late to everything. If he says twenty minutes, he means thirty. When I saw my Polaroid laying on my desk, I felt tempted. I walked over to my camera, picking it up.

I snapped a few pictures, these ones being a little more revealing than the other ones. They still weren't considered nudes, though. I looked at the pictures, smiling proudly at them. Very aesthetically pleasing. I put them away safely, and I got dressed. I did some homework while I was waiting for Calum to arrive. I heard the door open, and knew it was Calum. He doesn't knock or ring the doorbell anymore.

       "I'm here!" Calum called, as he walked down the hallway. I sat my homework  aside, and smiled slightly at Calum. He plopped down on the bed, and gave me a knowing look. "You told me there's tea, so if there isn't, I'm going to be pissed." He admitted.

           "It's embarrassing, but I didn't know who else to tell. It's about Luke and I." I began, nervously playing with my fingers. Calum and I have been best friends since sixth grade. We know everything about each other, and we tell each other everything. It's just natural, what we do. So of course I had to tell him about Luke and I at dentition. "I got a dentition because I was late to Mrs.Olsen's class." I started.

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