✰Eighteen: Christmas Eve gift

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I've tried out a million new ideas for my next lashton book and none of them are working sigh. Maybe I'll do cashton
something I dunno. Comment some story ideas you'd like? (I'm writing another smutty book)


"A present!" I gasped, as soon as I opened up my front door. There was a pink box waiting for me on the porch step, with a little white card attached to it. I picked up the box, and stepped back inside. I took the card off of the box and opened it up.

Merry Christmas Ashton. I'll be over tonight, but here's an early Christmas gift. P.S: DO NOT OPEN IN FRONT OF YOUR PARENTS! Love, Luke

My parents were gone, so I ran over to the kitchen with the box to open it right then and there. I carefully untied the pink ribbon, and set it aside. I opened up the box, and I laughed loudly. Sitting on top of white tissue paper, was a box of condoms and a bottle of lube. There was another little note.

Don't feel bad that you didn't think of a Christmas Eve gift...I have an idea of what you can give me-Daddy

It went from Luke, to daddy. I took out the white tissue paper, and I honestly expected it to be a dildo or something. But it was a pair of light pink panties. I blushed, as I took them out of the box. They were really pretty, I wasn't going to lie. This made me ten times more excited about Luke staying with us for Christmas. How did I convince my mom to let him stay? I'm not sure, but I'm glad my convincing skills worked.

Luke had to work, so he wouldn't be coming over until nine o clock. I wanted to make my bedroom look nice, since we were going to be spending time in there. Lots of time. My mom gave me a speech about him staying in the guest room, and that he couldn't sneak into my bedroom. I already have the excuse worked out.

I was tidying up my bedroom, making everything look perfect. I turned my fairy lights on, and I made something special above my bed. It was a project that I've been wanting to do for a while, I just didn't know what pictures to do it with. I took my string, tape, polaroids, and my wooden clothespins, and started my project. Once all the pictures were hung up, I grinned. Luke was going to love it.

              When the doorbell rang, I sprung up from the couch, running over to the door. I opened it, to reveal Luke standing there with three presents. I pulled Luke inside, and he grinned at me. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips. Somebody cleared their throat, causing us to pull apart. My parents were standing in the doorway of the living room, my mom frowning, but my dad giving me a thumbs up.

          "I have some Christmas presents for Ashton." Luke announced, as he walked over to our Christmas tree and gently sat down the presents under it. I squealed like a teenage girl, jumping up and down. I love presents.

           "You didn't have to get me anything, Luke." I said to him, as he walked back over to me.

        "I know you got me something so I had to return the favor." Luke responded. Luke put his arm around me, pulling me close to him.

            "I know you've been working, you must be exhausted. We can talk in the morning." My mom said to Luke. Luke smiled at her, and she pressed her lips into a smile. At least she was trying to be nice. Luke and I walked to my bedroom, telling my parents that we were going to watch tv. I shut the door behind us, grinning at Luke.

             I turned my light off, so the only thing that was illuminating my bedroom was my fairy lights. Luke looked up at the fairy lights, and then he walked over to my bed. He looked at all of the polaroids on the wall that were of us. He smiled, before sitting down on my bed.

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