✰Twenty Three: Sluts don't get what they want

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     Y'all. 11K. I'm speechless right now. This book has grown so much, so fast, and I can't believe that so many of you guys like my writing. It still shocks me, and it really makes me happy. This is what I love to do. Thank you all  

Also I really suck at updating, sorry about that. If I don't update by Friday (which I plan on) you can throw a book at me


        Having to deal with two crazy ten years old and an angry Luke, is not easy. Luke was very pissed off because the responsibility of babysitting was pushed onto him unexpectedly, putting him in a very bad mood. When Lacey and Evan found out that their parents wouldn't be home and it was just Luke and I, the twins took it as an opportunity to be the craziest children ever.

Luke made them spaghetti and meat balls for dinner, and the twins actually didn't complain for once. I helped Luke clean in the kitchen, while the twins watched tv quietly out in the living room. We were standing beside each other at the kitchen sink, scrubbing some of the plates that couldn't fit into the dishwasher. I nudged him with my shoulder, causing him to tiredly look over at me.

"Hey, we're almost done. They'll go to bed in a few hours, and then we can relax." I assured him, as I rinsed off a plate with the warm water. Luke just shook his head, returning his attention to his scrubbing. "Unless you want me to leave, then I will. Because you're being a bit of an asshole." I snapped, causing Luke to look over at me again.

"Look, I have a right to be upset. They always do this, dumping me with the kids. It's not my fucking responsibility!" Luke hissed, putting away a couple of plates. I gave him a cold look, and I turned the water off.

"Whether you like it or not, you're family. They're always your responsibility, Luke." I sighed, hoping that we wouldn't get into another petty fight. Luke dried off his hands, and he walked over to the island.

"They don't act like my family, they hate me! They never include me in anything, I always have to pay for stuff myself, but they like to act like I'm apart of the family when it's convenient for them." Luke retorted, as I stepped away from the sink. He nervously chewed on his lower lip, a habit I've noticed he does whenever he's upset.

I walked over to him, and I pressed my lips against his gently. Luke brought his hand up to cup my face, as he slowly moved his lips. I pulled away from him, looking up into his eyes.

"I'll always be here for you, Luke." I said softly. Luke's eyes looked watery, and they looked soft. He took a deep breath, and he smiled warmly at me.

"I love you so much, baby boy. You're my everything." Luke whispered. I felt my own eyes water too, because seeing Luke emotional makes me emotional. I've never had someone love me as much as Luke does. I pecked his lips, and I poked his nose. Luke cracked a smile, causing the both of us to laugh. "Gosh, you've turned me into this disgusting, mushy person. I used to be cool, and badass." Luke joked.

"I love the disgusting, mushy side of you. I think it's cute. What do you think of the color yellow?" I responded. Luke grabbed ahold of my hands, and we swung them back and forth in front of our bodies.

"Yellow? I think it's a color I would never wear." Luke answered, making me giggle.

"I think yellow will be a great color for our wedding. It's bright, and happy." I said, causing Luke to roll his eyes at me playfully. "Because you are a bright and happy person." I added.

"As long as I get to marry you, I don't care what the colors are." Luke stated, kissing my forehead. I blushed, and I looked down at our hands. "C'mon, let's try to convince the twins to go to bed early so I don't have to wait any longer to have some alone time with you." Luke said happily. He let go of my hands, and he walked into the living room where the twins were watching tv quietly.

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