✰Two: What does getting laid mean?

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I kept thinking about Luke calling my body portraits nudes. They weren't nudes. I asked the person who took some of the pictures, what he thought. Calum, my best friend. He was over at my house, and we were looking at the pictures. Calum flipped through them, and he smirked. I rolled my eyes, causing him to laugh.

"They're not complete nudes..." Calum said.

"You took some of them, you know they aren't nudes!" I huffed, taking them back. The only ones Calum took, were the ones that I couldn't take myself, like the one of my back, or my chest. Actually, he took a lot of them. It wasn't weird at all, but I had to pay Calum ten bucks to do a good job. Otherwise, he would've taken blurry pictures and handed me the pictures.

"Well I think if you had a dick pick or an ass shot," Calum pointed out, making my face heat up.

"I would never have a ....a picture of my...you know. That's inappropriate. Besides, no one wants to see that." I responded, as I put the pictures away. Calum smirked once again, and he laid back on my bed.

"I dunno, it seems like Luke would like to see a dick pic. You two should get together sometime." Calum suggested, making me scrunch my face up. The thought of me and Luke made me scoff.

"Me and Luke? As if!" I snapped, lying down next to Calum. Calum laughed, and he put his hands behind his head comfortably. "Luke is mean. And he smokes. Yuck." I added. "Imagine what his mouth is like!"

"Around your dick?" Calum asked. I smacked him, for being inappropriate. Luke's mouth around my.....gross! Those types of things are gross, and dirty. I'm not allowed to do those things. "You have to do it sometime, Ashton." Calum said in a sing-song voice.

I've never done anything...sexual. I know, it's a surprise. I just don't feel comfortable doing it with a complete stranger, or someone I know. The only person I've kissed, is Calum. We kissed each other sophomore year, you know for science. To see if it was good. I liked the kiss, but I had a panic attack afterwards. So Calum went on with kissing guys, and doing much more than that, but I stayed comfortably in my little shell.

"Calum, you are very corrupted. You think those things are great, but they're probably not." I commented, stating up at my ceiling. Sometimes I wonder what those things are like. But I'm not curious enough to find out.

"They are great, Ashton. With the right person. Like Michael Clifford, mmm. I could have his mouth-"

"Stop! I don't wanna hear this!" I shouted, plugging my ears. Calum laughed, and he pushed me playfully. I didn't want to hear what Michael's mouth could be doing. Calum and I went back and forth like this for awhile, until it was time for him to go to work. Once Calum left, I did some homework, and I had dinner.

For some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about Luke. Why him? Of all people?


There he was, leaning up against his car and smoking a cigarette. Murdering his lungs. I got out of my car with my backpack, and Luke lazily waved to me. He puffed some smoke out, and I coughed.

"Got any more nudes, baby?" Luke asked, making me roll my eyes. Again, with the pet names. So annoying.

"They're body portraits, and I don't know what else to say!" I shouted. Luke tossed his cigarette to the ground, and stomped it out. He followed me, and I could smell the lingering scent of cigarette. Gross.

Portraits//lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now