✰Twenty: Sorry for being a douchebag

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      I was gonna thank you guys for 4K but I saw I had 5K INSTEAD! I apologize for not updating, but I'm on summer vacation now so updates will be more frequent love you guysss


     I haven't been seeing much of Luke lately. He's been picking up extra shifts at Wesley's, and we barely have any time to hang out anymore. After school he drives straight to work, and then on the weekends he works long hours. Luke is normally really tired after work so we don't get to hang out.

Prom is soon, and I'm starting to get anxious. Luke hasn't asked me yet. I don't want to act like one of those people that just expects to get some big promposal, but I want something. Luke is my boyfriend, is it crazy that I want to go to prom with him? So, I've been hanging out with Calum. Not to fill Luke's absence, but because Calum has been needing me.

Michael and Calum have been broken up for a record time, two weeks. It's really taking a toll on Calum, so I need to be there for him. We were in my living room watching some rom-com, when Calum turned off the tv abruptly and stood up from the couch.

"I'm done wallowing in my self pity! I want to go out!" Calum shouted. I smiled proudly, and I stood up. "Let's go to Wesley's." Calum suggested. I frowned, and I shrugged my shoulders. His smile faded, and he gave me a look of concern. "Are you and Luke okay?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders once again.

"I couldn't tell you, we barely see each other anymore. He's always working, or driving his cousins somewhere." I answered. Not only did I miss cuddling and talking with him, I was starting to miss having sex. That's how much he's been gone. I'm no where close to Calum's level of desperateness, but I'm started to feel deprived. "You know what, let's go." I said with a weak smile.

  Calum smiled back, and we left my house. On the way to the restaurant, I pretended like I didn't notice Calum's hand inching closer to mine, and how his pinky stretched out to link with mine. I subtly moved my hand away, but Calum noticed and he just moved his hand back and frowned.

            Things are mostly back to way they were before Calum admitted his feelings for me, but there were still moments. Moments when I noticed lingering stares and creeping hands. When he wasn't saying anything, but his eyes were saying everything.

           "We're here, Ash." Calum announced, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blinked rapidly, and unbuckled my seat belt. We got out of the car, and walked towards the restaurant. As soon as we walked in, I saw Luke talking a guy that was sitting in a booth by himself. They were both smiling and laughing a lot, like one of them told a funny joke.

            A bit of jealousy built up in the pit of my stomach. We walked closer to Luke, so we were within earshot. Luke glanced at me, and his smile faded.

          "Hey, I gotta talk to someone real quick." Luke told the customer, slightly cocking his head to the side. Calum sat himself down at our regular spot, while Luke and I stepped out of the restaurant. "Oh, so you're checking up on me now? That's sweet of you." Luke said sarcastically, as he dug out a pack of cigarettes and his lighter. I looked at the cancer stick with disgust, and he put it between his lips.
        "Sorry for wanting to spend time with my boyfriend. Who was that?" I asked, gesturing to the building. Luke put his lighter away, and he took a long drag from his cigarette.

       "A customer. This job requires me to talk to people." Luke snapped, making me scoff.

         "Didn't seem like a regular customer. Is that why you're so content with not spending time with me, you're just chatting it up with cute guys that walk in?" I retorted, crossing my arms against my chest. Luke sighed, and he gave me a pleading look.

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