LET ME HEAL YOU ( James Sirius Potter ) ✓

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TITLE: Let Me Heal You (You can change it if you'd like)
LOVE INTEREST: James Sirius Potter
BOOK/MOVIE: Next Generation
OC NAME: Mackenzie "Kenzie" Stryker
FACE CLAIM: Kathryn Prescott
TAKEN BY: dynamicty99

TITLE: Let Me Heal You (You can change it if you'd like)LOVE INTEREST: James Sirius PotterBOOK/MOVIE: Next GenerationOC NAME: Mackenzie "Kenzie" StrykerFACE CLAIM: Kathryn PrescottTAKEN BY: dynamicty99

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"Are you all right?"

"Huh? Oh, um, yeah I'm fine. I just hurt my wrist during the match."

"Here, let me heal you."

"Um, thanks?"

Mackenzie Stryker dreamed to be a Healer.
She spent most of her time in the Hospital Wing helping Madam Pomfrey, but whenever she wasn't doing that, she was reading about healing charms. Helping people was her passion, and she never hesitated to assist someone.

So when she spotted James Potter clutching his wrist after a Quidditch match whilst walking to the Common Room, she didn't hesitate to help.

Mackenzie didn't know much about the boy. But after just healing his wrist, she knew she wanted too.

-You have to follow all the rules previously given!

-Mackenzie and James had never met up until she spotted him in the corridor

-Make sure to express Mackenzie's love for healing. Make her motherly like. Like if she were to spot James frowning, she'd fuss over him and ask if anything was wrong


-Mackenzie usually goes by Kenzie, but James uses Mackenzie when being "romantic"

-James is quite the flirt when it comes to Mackenzie, before and after they start dating

-Give James a thing where he practices pick-up lines on Mackenzie, and make him attempt medical related ones

-I just want to see a scene after they have a fight where James jokingly asks if she can fix broken hearts and she just bursts out laughing

-If you are struggling to keep writing, you can message me and I can help you think of something

-But make sure you've read the rules! We will make sure you follow them!

( plot by Tuft)

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