APOLOGY ACCEPTED ( Neville Longbottom )

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TITLE: Apology Accepted (you can change)
LOVE INTEREST: Neville Longbottom
OC NAME: Briar McGonagall
FACE CLAIM: Gigi Hadid


❝He was my brother! A brother I lost. A brother who dear to all of Britain. And look where it's led us!❞


Briar McGonagall was raised under Minerva McGonagall. Briar McGonagall was loved by Minerva McGonagall. But she wasn't ever a real McGonagall. However was she a real Potter.

Harry Potter's story was told false to the Muggle community. Were Lily and James Potter murdered by Lord Voldemort? Yes. But did Harry defeat Voldemort in the battle? No. Briar Potter watched her brother's journey from the beginning to the end. Yet, she couldn't save him. He couldn't save the community.

The Potter siblings were failures.

And Briar tried to make up for their mistakes.


- briar and harry are the same age

- this takes during the cursed child

- briar is married to neville but they don't have kids

- everyone knows briar as minerva's daughter except for neville, luna, ginny, ron and hermione

- if you have read the cursed child you will know of the timeline where voldemort wins the battle. base it on that.

- ron and hermione are still married and you can choose who ginny is married to or you can make her a maiden or something

- briar tries to go back in time (like scorpious and albus but here it never happens) through hermione's 'hidden' time-turner and tries to change voldemort ever winning the battle but fails. you can decide what happens next or so.

- briar does succeed in the end

- pm me at @GalaxyPencil for more!

(plot by salire)

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