UNREQUITED ( James Sirius Potter ) ✓

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TITLE: Unrequited
LOVE INTEREST: James Sirius Potter
BOOK/MOVIE: Next Generation
OC NAME: Addison "Addie" Moore (You can change it if you'd like)
FACE CLAIM: Alexandra Daddario
TAKEN BY: cecilias-bitch

TITLE: UnrequitedLOVE INTEREST: James Sirius PotterBOOK/MOVIE: Next GenerationOC NAME: Addison "Addie" Moore (You can change it if you'd like)FACE CLAIM: Alexandra DaddarioTAKEN BY: cecilias-bitch

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"One mistake shouldn't keep you from living your life. You may not have planned for this to happen, but it did, and that's okay. You'll find a way around this. I know you will."

James Sirius Potter was one of the few people in his year who knew exactly what they were going to do when they graduated.
He was going to be a professional Quidditch player.

But after a terrible accident during the first game of the year, he's left in the hospital wing for weeks. Only waking up at the sound of an angelic voice.

Addison Moore was head over heels. Her heart was in the hands of James Sirius Potter, and he hadn't a clue he was holding anything. He didn't even know who she was. Well. Not until she had gone to visit him whilst he slept peacefully in the hospital wing.

Now, everyone knows how perfect first impressions are supposed to be.
But theirs had gone terribly.

There was the fact that he had woken up to a complete stranger clutching his hands.
That was awkward.
Then there was the fact that Addison had been the one to tell James that he was never going to be able to play Quidditch again.

That was awkward.

-You have to follow all the rules previously given!

-They should both be in their seventh year

-Addison should be either a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor

-There should be a few chapters before the accident that kind of explains how much the OC loves James and how much James loves Quidditch

-The accident itself should be something that could have been prevented by himself. Like being hit by a bludger. Something that will make him think it's his fault

-Addison should contemplate going to visit James or not, only giving in after a few weeks (When he wakes up is the first time she visited him)

-Addison should stay with him in the hospital wing until he's released. Giving him advice and comforting him while he faces the fact that he can never play Quidditch again (Example being the quote in the description)

-Their relationship should be taken slowly. Starting as Addison being friend zoned by an oblivious James multiple times (Commenting about how good of friends they are)

-Addison should make first move. She should finally crack and tell him all about how she loves him (You choose whether that goes good or bad)

-Only James should call Addison 'Addie'

-Don't take these notes to heart. You can write it how you want, just make sure these notes go along with it somehow

-If you are struggling to keep writing, you can message me and I can help you think of something

-Make sure you've read the rules! We will make sure you follow them!

( plot by Tuft)

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