FRIEND-ZONED ( James Sirius Potter and Louis Weasley )

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LOVE INTEREST: James Sirius Potter/ Louis Weasley
BOOK/MOVIE: next generation
OC NAME: Emily White, Avery-Jean "AJ"  Alder, Moe Lutefisk
FACE CLAIM: Sofia Carson (Emily), China Anne McClain (Avery), Naomi Scott (Moe)

TITLE:Friend-ZonedLOVE INTEREST: James Sirius Potter/ Louis WeasleyBOOK/MOVIE: next generationOC NAME: Emily White, Avery-Jean "AJ"  Alder, Moe LutefiskFACE CLAIM: Sofia Carson (Emily), China Anne McClain (Avery), Naomi Scott (Moe)TAKEN BY: n/a

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"We look just like a couple!"

"A couple of besties!"

"That one must of hurt, James."


James Potter was head-over-heels for Emily White. The incredible kind and creative Ravenclaw in his year who stole his heart. He had spent years trying to woo Emily who continued to friend-zone him. But, being the arrogant boy he is, James never gave up as he kept trying to win over Emily.

On the other hand, James's best friend, Avery Alder, was absolutely in love with him. But James was too blinded by his admiration for Emily to notice her. It was a sad time for Avery but she could always find the light, and the light may have been in someone she never expected.


-Emily is a lesbian. She and Moe (if you get my reference with Naomi I will love you forever) have been dating in secret for a few years. LGBTQ+ needs more representation so don't ignore their relationship

-Avery is in love with James from year three to year seven and it's the same time span for James and Emily

-by year seven Avery is beginning to give up on James, and she also meets Louis, a Ravenclaw in year six

-Have a lot of relationships development between Avery and Louis because she's still hung up on James

-in year seven James will realize that he's always had feelings for Avery and tries to get her to be his girlfriend but by then her and Louis are nearly a thing (Betty/Jughead/Archie vibes I guess)

-the quote in the description goes James, Emily, then Avery

-this story is about James not noticing he has something perfect right next to him and Avery learning that she isn't supposed to wait around forever

-China is adorable

-I swear if you forget to write about Emily and Moes relationship I will take the plot back. This story needs to be thought out well and each character needs a storyline

(plot by vixen)

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