
471 45 116

19 AD

The sharp, cling, of steel against steel hummed through the air, it was a song, both abrupt and beautiful. Looking through the window he could see the two groups of opponents facing off. Helix had always enjoyed watching sword fights. Something about the violence of the dance, with only a few pounds of shaped steel between you and your enemy, entranced him.

"If it isn't the boy from Elis." Startled from his musings, Helix recognized the sharp voice and turned to look.  "Come to join the great Cesar's legion after all?" The dark-haired soldier from the night before strode toward where Helix was waiting, fourth in line from what he'd been told was the commander general's office. This particular commander was responsible for the entire force of Roman military within the city proper.

The office door stood open, revealing an immaculate space, organized to efficient perfection. It was empty of life, save for a hunting dog who had been lazily sleeping in front of the desk for hours.

When Helix had arrived at the barracks entrance that morning, the actarius, an assistant of sorts, had ordered him to wait in this line. Originally there were eight men in front of him and two more who arrived after he did. As the morning shifted to noon and beyond, with no sign of the commander or his actarius, men slowly began to grumble about the wait, then leave the barracks. Now only the four men and Helix remained.

Quickly absorbing details, the soldiers uniform, and confident bearing, the thought crossed Helix's mind that perhaps this man was the commander they were all waiting for. The guess was confirmed moments later when the dog rose and padded up to the man.

"Yes Sir," Helix answered straightening slightly, in spite of his aching legs.

Stopping by the door, the commander continued to look at Helix for a long moment, before glancing over the other men. Raising his voice, he spoke in the hard tone of authority, "Congratulations. You lot proved you are capable of following a simple, boring, order. In a moment, I will ask you to place your mark on a scroll. After that, your life, your death, your dreams, and desires, will no longer be your own!" The men around Helix shifted slightly, but he kept his attention fixed on the commander.

"After that moment, you will belong to the legion, until death takes you or your twenty years of service are complete. You will go through hell, you will be hungry, you will watch your brothers die around you, and most likely you will die a lonely, gruesome, death. If any of you cowards are having second thoughts, leave now." His eyes flicked to Helix's face. "You will not get the chance again."

Two of the men at the front of the line hastily left, keeping their eyes downcast. When the echoes of their retreating footfalls could no longer be heard, the commander nodded once and entered his office. "Very well."

One by one, the men in front of Helix stepped forward, gave their names and signed the open scroll stretched across the desk. Helix's heart beat fast in his chest. He considered leaving. This was Sal's idea after all. Not his. Even if he had considered joining before he met her. Why should he sell his soul for some damned woman's quest to find a god? But the way the commander had met his eyes, there was a challenge there. 

His turn came, the commander beckoning him forward. Stepping up to the table Helix picked up the quill, the tip already damp with black ink.

"You don't belong here, boy."

Eyes snapping up Helix met the commanders stare. A glint of warning flickered in his dark eyes.  Anger and frustration flooded in threatening to overwhelm his better judgment. Sucking in a breath, he forced himself to still. "Why, Sir?"

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