Mighty Gifts

128 10 4

25 AD

"You call me your master yet, Helix tells me you have made a pact with him?" Hades flashed a mischievous grin, "Tell me Azag is this true?"

"Yesss," the demon hissed softly.

Helix watched the two, curious what Hades would do.

"Look at me."

Azag obeyed, red eyes meeting the darker crimson of Hades'.

"You may think you are quite clever, finding a way to the mortal lands and trying to recover your former glory but know this. If you fail to uphold your end of the deal not only will your oath pain you, I will rip you apart and reform you into something so pathetic you'll wish you'd stayed like this instead of meddling in my business."

"Yes, my lord," the demon bowed its head again.

Hades glanced to Helix for a moment before stepping closer to Azag, "Good, now let's get you into something more useful." The god ran a finger across the demons head, a moment later Azag was gasping skin and muscle liquifying and reforming. It whimpered quietly through the process until much too Helix's surprise, the shape settled into that of a naked woman. Almost a woman, Azag's eyes were still red and when its mouth opened sharper than natural teeth made for a horrifying image.

The demon looked down at its new body. A gasp of surprise slipped through her lips.

"Thank you, my lord, Hades!" Her voice was less eerie than before but laced with a strange accent.

"Go clothe yourself. You know the way." Hades waved a dismissive hand.

Helix watched her go, then turned back to his new army. Only one thing still remained to do in the underworld. "I guess that means I just need to find Zeus and Decuma."

"I have that covered as well." Hades smiled, "Come have dinner with me? Nona should be along in a few hours."


"Oh, don't look so skeptical," Hades started walking, Helix following, his expression admittedly a bit dubious. "I promise it will just be food and conversation. I'll behave. Mostly."

The dining room was surprisingly cozy for being in the underworlds greatest castle. Intricate tapestries depicting everything from lovers in the moonlight to great battles lined the walls. An oak table with space to seat eight stood in the center of the space surrounded by elegant, wrought iron chairs.

There were a number of servants tasked with attending them through the meal. Most looked humanoid but none seemed to be fully human. They were a quiet bunch, not speaking even one word.

Hades made up for the silence by telling Helix all about the underworld, the demons which resided within and what happened to the souls who got sent to his domain.

"Truthfully, I have very little to do with the departed unless I get bored or someone really pissed me off in life. For the most part, I leave their care and punishment to the demons and each other. You would be surprised at how miserable humans can make one another." Hades took a bit out of a perfect peach. "Speaking of mortal misery, how do you plan to deal with your little witch problem?"

Keeping his expression carefully neutral Helix leaned back in his chair, "I do not have a witch problem."

"You know what I mean."

"If Eslein has made a deal I am sure she will tell me when I get back."

"And if she doesn't?" Hades tilted his head, "If she is playing you what will you do then."

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