Five Hundred

190 21 24

24 AD

Dinner was an unusual affair. Cinix's continued, somewhat vindictive, flirtatiousness drove Helix to distraction as much as Eslein did. To counteract his lack of focus Helix tried his hardest to keep the conversation limited to what had happened in the Specter.

"If you will both excuse me. I am going turn in for the night." Taking the last bite of his food, Helix rose. He was exhausted and the mental acrobatics required to stay sitting at the table were not appealing.

Eslein's face was a mask of concern. Flashing her a small, tired smile, Helix went upstairs, relieved as the door clicked behind him. Tonight he would rest. Tomorrow was soon enough to sort through what he had learned. Soon enough to digest Cinix and his oddities. Soon enough to figure out what to do about Eslein. Blowing out the lamp, he climbed under the threadbare blanket, not caring about the squeak of the old bed. 

A few moments later he tensed as the halls dim light flashed across his face. The door opened allowing Eslein to slip in. Recognizing her, Helix relaxed. She crossed to the bed. For a moment she stood silently in the darkness as if contemplating what she should do.

"It is alright." Helix murmured. "I will stay to my side."

Eslein kicked off her shoes, sliding in next to him. "I cannot promise I will."

Her gentle tone made him smile in the darkness. "As long as you are comfortable." Although the room was nearly pitch black, the only light coming from a crack under the door, Helix's enhanced wolf vision made everything clear as day.

She smiled, her eyes looking into his as she scooted closer. "How do you do that?"


"Your eyes are glowing."

Helix blinked, a flush spreading along his face and neck, "I didn't know."

"I like it."

Warmth spread through him at her compliment. Moving carefully so as not to jostle her, he slid his arms around her. Eslein curled into him seemingly content. A few moments later both were sound asleep.


The next morning Helix sat on a rock in front of the inn. The sun was rising, painting the sky in gold and red. Storm colors. Helix knew the sky would likely darken by midday, his days as a sailor giving him a decent affinity for predicting the weather. Letting his thoughts chase each other he closed his eyes.

With everything he had learned in the Specter, he now knew he could kill Zeus or at the very least send him to the underworld, for surely a killer of innocents, god or no would not make it into Elysium? Helix was not sure and had not asked how a souls fate was decided. Perhaps Cinix could answer that. If Zeus did go to the underworld, Hades would no doubt keep him there. Even among mortals, the brother's rivalry was legendary. But if he went to Elysium? Surely there had to be a way to destroy Zeus so he could never again walk in the world? 

Then there was Eslein. What would happen to her if he brought her along in his hunt for vengeance? She was a witch, yes, but she was also mortal. Helix did not want to think about what her death would mean to him. Even though he was not sure where they stood together, he was growing attached.

"Nice morning." Cinix's somewhat unwelcome voice broke into Helix's musing.

"Storm is coming."

The blonde glanced at the mostly clear sky but did not question his words. "What is our plan then?"

Helix opened his eyes, head tilting to study the other male. "Our?"

For the first time since they had met Cinix looked unsure, "I would like to help you with Zeus and Decuma."

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