Blood in the Sand

339 37 119

23 AD

"You requested me, sir?" Helix saluted the commander general as he entered.

His superior officer glanced up from the document he was reading, to look him in the eye. "How is your hand?"

Helix opened and closed the appendage in question. It had taken nine weeks of healing, two weeks of strengthening, and frequent visits to the infirmary, filled with fussing by Marjani to finally feel that he was back to normal. He had continued training during that time, but both captain Marcel and to his surprise, commander Ynyr, had forced him to care for and let his hand heal. In fact, Helix had decided that the broken hand was not an entirely bad thing. During the two month stint, he'd gotten proficient in left-handed fighting, something he was not sure would have happened if he'd not been forced into it. Having no choice but to eat with his left, pick up everything with his left, and of course, train with his left had left him almost ambidextrous!

"Good to go, sir."

"Sabinus is hosting a party tonight. Due to his," He paused a disdainful look on his face, "Guestlist and expected entertainment, he has requested extra men to supplement his own household guards. Pick seven men to accompany you, tell them their pay is doubled for the evening, and head over to the estate."

Helix's mind reeled. The commander was putting him in charge of men for a night, and paying double! Usually, such a task would have fallen to Marcel or one of the other captains. It made him wonder how undesirable this job was going to be? Anyone who was in Aquileia long knew Consul Marcus Sabinus was prone to lavish tastes, wild parties, and in his spare time, twisted indulgences.

"Yes, Sir." Helix saluted again before turning to stride out.

"Helix." The young man looked back to find Ynyr's eyes shining with a silent warning. "Dress nice."


"Sabinus will want you to blend in."

It did not take long to collect men, although a few joked that they were only willing to go for the evening because of the money, and of course Sabinus's cadre of erotic dancers, who were rumored to be performing. A couple of the men had been on guard duty at the consul's home before and instantly set to telling the rest of the party about their experiences.

"It's wild! He's got women draped everywhere and a fighting pit with gladiators. Plus he is very liberal with his wine." The man sounded positively thrilled. Helix just lifted an eyebrow.

"We are there to work. Not to partake."

The admonishment earned Helix a grin from the speaker. "Yes, sir. Whatever you say."

A servant let them in through the back gate, where they were met by the consul's private captain of the guard. He was a man of little words and after grunting a gruff, "Hello, follow me." He led the group of eight men into the main house.

It was an effort of will for Helix to maintain his expressionless demeanor when faced with the interior. Coffee colored stone walls, gleaming white marble floors, accented to perfection with carved wood stairs, rich draperies, rugs, and furnishings.

Their guide paused, "We need two extra guards at the front door, four to guard the pit, and two need to mingle among the guests."

"Expecting trouble?" Helix asked trying to sound casual.

"Consul Sabinus always prefers to plan for the worst."

After a moment, Helix nodded. "Corin, Dax your assigned to the front door. Galo, Festus, Cecil, Janus, the pit. Aldis, you can be with me, mingling."

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