Always Up

124 12 10

24 AD

She had been watching him as he packed for half an hour, her expression unreadable. Every now and then he would glance at her, she would meet his eyes but still not speak. Growing weary with thick silence Helix turned and finally asked, "What is it?"

Eslein bit her bottom lip a moment before answering. "You seem so sure of yourself, so in charge today. Even the commander and Cinix are following your lead and Marjani too. She consented to give that little slave girl a home without a second thought."


She stood from the chair and crossed to stand by him. Her eyes trailed over him from head to foot and back. "When we met you were confident but reserved, now-" She paused tilting her head, "Now you are different. Now you believe you can walk into the underworld and back out. Now you order two beings who could kill anyone in the blink of an eye around like you were born their equal or even their better."

Reaching out she ran her fingertips along his jawline, cupping his face in her small hand. The tumultuous emotions in her blue eyes trapped Helix as he stilled at her gentle touch. He could not help but think about how exquisite every part of her was.

"And?" He whispered.

"And, I would never have imagined that the young soldier who came to my aid in a house of foreign healers, thwarted my mission and barely bested me in combat would one day turn into the man you are today."

Helix grinned, leaning down to capture her mouth with his. The kiss was sweet and slow. When both breathlessly pulled away Helix looked her, his eyes twinkling.

"I bested you just fine."

Eslein snorted, "Uh hu. Sure."

Helix laughed then picked up his small bag. "We can always have a re-match when I return? Just for practice sake?"

"You are delusional!" She gently punched him in the shoulder making him step back. "It's not the same now and you know it, Wolfman."

Grinning he let his eyes flash gold. "I supposed not. Come on, walk me to the rift?"

As the pair walked, Eslein's arm through his, she asked, "What do I do if you do not return soon?"

"I will."

"But if you don't? You are going into Underworld after all."

"Keep an eye on Cinix and Ynyr. Keep gathering and training men. Marcel should be strong enough to change others soon. He is not going to like doing it but I think he will manage." Helix squeezed her hand, a tone of playful passion entering his voice, "And keep dreaming of me sweeping you away to a beautiful place where we can be alone for as long as we wish. Somewhere we do not have to worry about being overheard."

A flush crept up Eslein's cheeks, "You've been spending to much time with Cinix."

He laughed.

The rest of the walk was spent in peaceful silence. When they reached the Consul's mansion they descended immediately to the rift where everyone else waited. Before they reached the room Helix pulled Eslein close and kissed her again. She returned it.

"I love you witchling."

"And I love you Helix."

Stepping into the room he left her at the door.

"What do I need to know?" Helix asked, catching everyone in the rooms attention.

"The Underworld is a labyrinth of nightmares. Be careful what you think of and trust no one you meet along the way." Cinix answered.

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