Wild Instinct

235 33 54

24 AD

Air, rich and full with the smells of untamed woods, rushed into his lungs as he ran. Catching sight of his quarry, flying high above the dark green foliage, Helix pushed on, his massive black paws flying over dirt, leaves and all of the forest floor with ease. He hunted for the god, hunted for answers, hunted for revenge!

Helix felt his heart beat hard with the realization that Ares was slowly slipping farther away. Pushing his strange new body to continue, he realized that deep inside, was a well of untapped sensation. A snarl broke the monotonous rhythm of his heavy breathing. With a mighty thrust of his back legs, the wolf launched into an even faster speed. The feeling of unfettered glee, at once again running under Ares' wing beats, tore a howl from his throat. The falcon responded with a shrieking cry of his own and began a spiraling downwards flight.

The wolf waited as the bird settled on a branch just above him. "Well, what do you think?"

Black hackles rose as Helix's lips curled back to reveal pointed canine teeth.

"Fussy mutt." The annoyance was thick in Ares's voice. "I suppose your appreciation of my gift is understandable." The birds head tilted left, one yellow eye studying him keenly.

A vicious, albeit unusual snarl, answered Ares's look as Helix tried, and failed to speak. The wolf shook its head violently, again releasing a myriad of angry sounds. With scarcely a whisper of sound, the falcon shifted form. Ares landed smoothly on his feet in front of Helix. The wolf crouched in answer, teeth bared and dripping angry drool.

"Come on then."

Powerful leg and back muscles propelled Helix through the air. He hit Ares's broad chest, both front paws landing hard. The god hit the ground a surprised chuckle escaping him. Sharp canines snapped for the throat. Ares moved faster than any human could, grabbing a handful of the wolf's skin behind the neck and yanking hard to the side. Helix spun through the air, sliding in the bed of leaves strewn across the forest floor as his legs absorbed the impact. Again the god was on his feet this time charging, a look of joyful abandon on his perfectly sculpted face. There was no hesitation, no thought, only instincts, and reactions. Dropping low Helix darted left at the last possible moment, pivoting around to snap at Ares's passing leg.

Only the shift saved him. The wolf's teeth snapping harmlessly below his flapping wings. "Oh, I like you prince." The falcon flew higher before calling back. "I fear duty calls. We will meet again."

A ferrous howl followed the god high into the air.


Why? Out of all the questions, this was the one Helix kept focusing in on. Why him? Why a wolf? Why had Ares left? Why had Sal vanished? Why had Ynyr vanished? So many why's, and not one answer.

He had chased Ares as far as he could, until the bird was at last, out of sight. Now he was pacing on the edge of a river, unsure what to do. He thought about going back to the fortress and whatever remained of the battle. But, how would that help? It wasn't as if he could just walk up and ask, "Hey, anyone seen commander Ynyr? I'm a wolf, but don't worry I won't bite you. I just need to figure out how to become human again and since he's a witch he can probably help me." He could not even speak. Could he? Helix paused looking into the fast flowing water. It was true that he had not managed to get words out with Ares, but maybe, maybe, he just had not tried hard enough.

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