A womans favor

318 32 67

23 AD

"Welcome to Rome. City of emperors and den of bloodthirsty mobs."

Ynyr's voice barely registered as Helix drank in the views around them. Four days of riding had brought them to the Servian wall and through the Esquiline Gate. He had thought Aquila was grand when he'd first arrived, but Rome was something else entirely.

Built on and around seven hills, the landscape itself was a breathtaking display of rising and falling earth. Stone roads wove around the masterfully crafted buildings. Many of the larger ones with high pillars and statues, were tastefully completed with tended gardens and vibrant trees. The rich smell of flowers, spice and cooking food blended not so pleasantly, with that of refuse and rotting organic matter. Helix wrinkled his nose for a few moments before becoming distracted by the sound of a woman laughing. The voice was familiar, beautiful and above all dreadful.

Head snapping toward the sound Helix tensed. Up the road, and a bit to the right side stood a red-haired woman carrying on a casual conversation with a few other ladies. She was exactly the same as the last time he had seen her. Her dress was even the same alluring hue of green that brought out the tint in her eyes.

As Sal's gaze was focused on one of her speaking companions, Helix moved his horse close to Ynyr's hoping to ask the man where they were going. Hoping he did not already know the answer.

"Why if it isn't young Helix! My how you've grown."

Hiding his grimace, Helix looked at Sal. Her white, perfect teeth glinted as she smiled. A wave of her hand sent the women around her scurrying away, more than one giggling as they openly gawked at the two muscled men.

To Helix's surprise, Ynyr spoke, his tone cheerful, and his eyes following the small group of retreating women.  "Decuma darling, creating new playthings?"

Eyes whipping to the commander Helix about choked on his own bile. The commander general, the man that had been training him over four years, the leader that he had grown to trust, in-spite of obvious secrets, seemed comfortable with Sal. Of course, Helix had suspected they knew each other the night of his enlistment when Sal had claimed she had a hand in his training.  Not only did Ynyr know her he seemed glad to see her.

During the three day trip from Aquila to Rome, the commander had refused to answer any questions. He said only that he would explain everything after they reached Rome. The prisoner, hands still bound and still eerily silent around Ynyr, had remained meek and obedient the entire trip. Now, she tensely sat on her horse, eyes locked on the horse's mane.

Frustration and anger threatening to boil out, Helix returned his gaze to Sal. She was studying him an eyebrow raised.


A simpering giggle escaped her lips as the toneless word entered the space between them.

"I see manners aren't part of your training Ynyr." Her green eyes met the commanders. "I take it he's finally ready then?"

"A few lessons are left but, this one," Ynyr yanked the rope enough to jolt the prisoner and elicit a hiss of pain. "Pushed us into a rush."

Their familiarity sickened Helix. Suspicion, searing hot, burned toward the commander. He felt somewhat like what he imagined a sheep served to the wolves would feel like.

"Little witchling!" Glee laced her outburst. Her eyes flicked about, settling on Helix. "Come. My current home is just around the corner." We must make up for lost time, and you simply must tell me everything!"

She turned,  her luscious hips swaying with each step.  Ynyr gave a low whistle as he urged his horse to follow. Sal giggled at the attention.

Grinding his teeth Helix followed, hanging back behind where the prisoner rode, still studying her mares mane. The recollection of every painful moment of their battle flitted through his mind. She seemed so subdued now. Whoever these people actually were, they must be truly terrifying to make someone like her afraid.

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